Did Metrolist Name Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Realtor of the Year?

Did Metrolist name Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Realtor of the Year?
Metrolist called to say that I was probably going to be named “Sacramento Realtor of the Year,” like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks, anyway. Now I feel like I have to explain this satire because there will undoubtedly be some sorry excuse for a human reading my blog who will say, what? Metrolist didn’t do that. And then the loser will report me to Metrolist Compliance, and I’ll have to send another call to voice mail.
I’m reminded of this because Metrolist did not leave a voice mail yesterday. My physical self was planted in a chair at the Sacramento Board of Realtors for almost 4 hours listening to our Lyon Legal Update. Twice a year I attend Legal Updates, filled with incredible information about new laws, new forms, popular lawsuits and how best to keep myself and my clients out of the slammer. As I sat there paying rapt attention to the speakers on stage, I happened to glance down at the cell in my lap, flipped past Alphabear, and my Caller ID identified an incoming call from Metrolist.
Call me silly, but somehow I did not think it was to tell me I was probably going to be named Sacramento Realtor of the Year. Despite my long-running love affair with Metrolist, nothing good ever comes from a phone call that originates at Metrolist. It’s not the fault of Metrolist, though, so let me be clear about that. The calls I get from Metrolist are generated via jealous agents. The agents are always wrong. When I say “always,” I mean always. I can’t think of a time when they were not.
What these poor agents so often do when their buyer’s offer is rejected or they feel misplaced confusion, well, they call Metrolist to report a problem with my listing. No such problem exists, of course, but then Metrolist is forced to investigate and request documents to substantiate the fact that there is no problem. Why? Because at Metrolist you are guilty until proven innocent. They do not email and apologize for interrupting your day with nonsense. They automatically accuse you of wrongdoing. It’s the Metrolist way.
None of this would ever happen if there wasn’t such animosity among some Sacramento agents toward the successful agents. There are times of course that I submit my own compliance reports but those are not due to irrational anger nor green eyes. My hope is to improve our profession. I don’t even know the agents I report. I feel like if I keep my mouth shut about an infraction, I’m part of the problem. But nobody really appreciates that effort, either. Spittooey.
Doesn’t matter what I do. I cannot accept the nomination for Sacramento Realtor of the Year. I have much better things to do. Like clean out litter boxes.