Back to the Real World of Sacramento Real Estate

View from oceanfront room at Hotel Molokai

View from oceanfront room at Hotel Molokai

Everybody in my cabin on the plane home groaned when the pilot said we were leaving Hawaii. It’s a completely different atmosphere inside the cabin going home than it was on the flight out to Hawaii, and then eventually later on to Vanuatu. I guess even if you were going to the islands for work and not pleasure, people are in a better mood than they are returning to the mainland. Nobody wants to go back to reality, especially not me, although returning to Sacramento real estate is my job, and it’s a job I love.

Part of it I suppose is the fact when you’re on vacation, you don’t have to allocate much time to taking care of yourself because somebody else does it for you. They make your bed, pick up your wet towels from the floor and empty your waste-paper baskets. They knock gently on your door, bringing you muffins and hot coffee. All of your meals are catered and made for you. Your laundry arrives, folded.

My last day at Hotel Molokai

My last day at Hotel Molokai

Come to think of it now, that’s not much different than my life at home. Well, the difference is it is foggy and cold outside in Sacramento this morning. My view is not that of palm trees and the ocean. And I was so discombobulated last night that when a seller called me to say she had locked herself out of her house, and I drove over to help her out, I managed to drive all the way back to Land Park without my lights turned on.

Nobody honked at me or waved or yelled to let me know that I didn’t have my lights on. Fortunately, it was just down Broadway a little bit, but still. I noticed it when I passed Target, that it was fairly dark. Oh, duh. That’s because my lights weren’t on. See, it’s been a long time since I’ve driven in the dark. Longer than the month I had been gone on my winter vacation. I turned on my lights at my garage when I pulled out, but turned them off when I pulled into my seller’s driveway. It wasn’t an autopilot thing to turn them back on as I fumbled for my bluetooth device to stick back into my ear.

Well, tomorrow it is back to work in full force and back to Sacramento real estate for this traveler. I’ve been halfway around the world and back over the last 30 days. Hope you’ve enjoyed the photos and stories.

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