How to Find a Sacramento REALTOR on the Internet

Find a Sacramento Realtor

How to Find the Best Sacramento Realtor

The internet has finally become ubiquitous. When you think about it, it only took about 25 years, — which to me, of course, seems like yesterday because at my age I have little concept of the passing of time. All the signs are there. First, you had Al Gore raising a ruckus, followed by people like my dentist who, same age as me, hauls in a clerical worker to “pull up the Google” and search for an image to find types of teeth. Then there is, which recently notified all of its Experts, including this Home Buying and Selling Expert, of a corporate decision to eliminate our email addresses, because they are unnecessary.

Just about everybody has an online presence today who needs it in one form or another. Although, there are people who avoid social media on purpose because it’s a time suck and wouldn’t dream of maintaining a website or blog for any reason. For example, I use Facebook when I’m bored, which isn’t very often, but I don’t devalue those who are addicted. Everybody has their own thing. In my spare time, I like to blog and write articles. Facebook, not so much.

When I think back to my first online experience, in 1991, stuff is absolutely more colorful and fast as lightning today, but it’s still just a transfer of information. Now we have instant access to anything we want to know. We don’t have to look it up in an encyclopedia when we have Siri and Google, just like we don’t have to stop at a pay phone to make a call. Why, you can be out to dinner with your partner and notice an unusual object or hear a song or simply think of an obscure question, and bam, you can use your phone to get an answer. Immediately. Because you can’t wait until after dinner.

If the real estate curious want to find a Sacramento REALTOR like me online, all they have to do is search on Google. In fact, many searches for Elizabeth Weintraub point to my website when people just type my name into a Google search bar. Even if they misspell my name, it will still direct them to me and provide a way to contact this agent, either by phone or email. So I don’t really have to publish an actual email address anywhere. Not on, not on my website, and not in my blog. There is always an envelope to click that will send me an email.

The good thing is having no email at now means my spam will be dramatically cut. With the internet, one almost doesn’t need an email. Landlines are vanishing and almost everybody has a cell to accept text. I don’t care how my clients find me, just as long as the search to find a Sacramento REALTOR ends on my website so I can showcase my successful 40 years of expertise in real estate.

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