Canceled Sacramento Home Listings

Nobody loves Sacramento home listings so much as when you take your home off the market. This is sort of the dirty little secret and underbelly of real estate. Almost the minute your home listing is canceled in MLS by your real estate agent, your phone will start to ring. It’s a fact, jack. And it’s not the fault of your Sacramento real estate agent. So, don’t blame her. She will have already removed your telephone number and your name from MLS, but there are ways for others to find it.

You might wonder, wow, how did my home become so danged popular all of a sudden! And why didn’t I know about all of these top-notch real estate professionals who can sell my home in record time for top dollar? Where have these real estate agents been hiding? They sound so wonderful and competent and aggressive. Why, they say my former Sacramento real estate agent was a lazy-ass jerk who didn’t do jack-crap, which is why my home did not sell and why I was forced to hang my head in shame. But if list my home with them, I will be showered in gold and riches beyond my wildest dreams. Holy toledo!

I know it might be tough for you, dear reader, to realize that some real estate agents might prey on sellers of canceled Sacramento home listings. It’s how they make a living. And there’s nothing wrong with it; it’s the approach that many sellers object to. These agents figure at least a canceled seller wanted to sell once so they should call them when the listing either expires or is withdrawn or canceled from MLS. In fact, there is an entire industry built around canceled listings. Real estate agents can attend seminars and take special training on how to approach a seller of a canceled listing.

When these agents call sellers of expired or canceled Sacramento home listings, often they have a prepared script in front of them. The agents are doing telemarketing calls and reading the script to you. It’s persuasive, and it works or these agents wouldn’t do it. They are focused on one thing. Talking you into listing with them. They may or may not have any experience, as you get both experienced and brand new agents making telemarketing calls to sellers of canceled listings.

My advice to you is to realize these chasers of expired listings are likely to do exactly what your agent already tried to do — they aren’t offering you anything new or revolutionary. If you like your agent, list again with your real estate agent. If you don’t like your agent, call another agent who has been referred to you, but don’t fall victim to empty words.

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