Cats, Covid19, And Selling Sacramento Real Estate

Cats, Covid19, And Seling Sacramento Real Estate

Cats, Covid19, and selling Sacramento real estate are where much of my time is spent during each waking hour. With cats, COVID19, and selling Sacramento real estate are now part of daily life for this Sacramento Realtor. It occurred to me these three things are where so much of my time is spent each day. When you have nine cats, they are part of every hour of every day.

Of course, all nine cats do not live inside. I do cat rescue and also have purebred Ragdoll cats. Whether inside or out, cats play a significant role in daily life. This picture is of Toby-Tyler on the cat tree. He is a 7-year-old male rescue, and his sister Gidget is on the lower shelf. These two orange tabby cats I rescued. They were abandoned, left inside a wall of a commercial building. As they were not quite two weeks old and I had to bottle feed them every 3 hours. They have been my cats ever since.

Covid19 is impacting people in so many different ways. Everyone is impacted by it. We are so fortunate to be in the greater Sacramento area. Our Covid19 numbers are reported to be lower than anywhere in the country for this disease. The shelter in place slowed sales and created a much more stringent loan approval process. We have an escrow right now where underwriting threw a monkey wrench in the mix, and now they have to qualify all over again. My seller is left waiting. We could have canceled the contract, but the buyers want the property.

Of course, selling real estate is what we do every day on our team. We wake up and immediately hit the computer sending back emails. Next, we start a task list for the day and look at our calendar.  The last thing in the evening is checking email before turning off the computer to go to bed.  

Covid19 restricts us from going to so many different places.  The trips to Costco, animal feed stores, and the grocery store are the big outings. Selling real estate, it’s not a job, it’s a lifestyle, and you do because you love it. This job is not for a 9 to 5 worker as they would definitely not be happy in this role.

At Weintraub & Wallace, we love what we do. We each work independently and own business, but we support and help one another like a family. The harder you work in real estate, the more successful you can become. With self-employment, it gives you a lot of freedom to decide how you will run your business. Many Realtors work very part-time, so they don’t earn very much and have limited funds to market their listings. Always hire full-time professionals with hundreds of 5-Star Reviews

When I think of Covid19, I think about my mother. I haven’t been able to see my mother for over six weeks because she is so frightened of catching this disease. Watching the news would stress anyone out. Things are delivered or dropped off on her porch. I have a friend that’s got herself locked up in her house, and she’s terrified to go out as she has some health issues. She is worried she will get Covid19.

Of course, I don’t want anyone to catch this dreadful disease. There are so many people that are suffering on such personal levels with direct loss from this disease. Losing loved ones, friends, or co-workers is heartbreaking. I feel very blessed that our family has stayed healthy, my friends have stayed healthy, and my clients have stayed healthy. We wish good health to everyone.

The phone is ringing off the hook again for showing property and writing contracts. I’m just going to focus on one day at a time. We don’t have control over what’s happening with Shelter in place orders. No doubt, we are following all of our instructions from the federal level to the local level. We wait for the opportunity to come for businesses to start to recover their losses. The real estate market is on the rise, so don’t wait; it’s an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the lowest interest rates.

We all need to be problem solvers and do our best to help one another when difficulty arrives. My sister colored my hair today as my hairdresser is not working, so my sis volunteered. She jumped in with both feet to help. She bought some hair color and did my hair this evening. I was so grateful. We all just help each other and will get through this and anything else that comes our way.  Blue skies and warm temperatures are on the way; it’s going to be a good week.

Cats, Covid19, and selling Sacramento real estate, it’s certainly never boring. There’s always more to do, more to learn. If you’d like to buy or sell real estate, please call Weintraub & Wallace Realtors with RE/MAX Gold. We can be reached at 9162336759.

JaCi Wallace

JaCi Wallace
Weintraub & Wallace Realtors

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