There is a Buyer for Every Sacramento Home

Sacramento home buyerIn the mind of this Sacramento real estate agent, there are no bad homes to sell in Sacramento because there is a buyer for every Sacramento home. I have learned this the hard way over decades, and I’m sharing you the pain of wondering if your home will sell because it will. You just need the right buyer for it. There is a buyer for every home. Even homes that are in the wrong location or have some other sort of defect.

Now, an experienced real estate agent will figure out from the get-go who that buyer is and target that buyer. You don’t need 20 buyers for your home, and you don’t need 15 multiple offers. A seller needs that one buyer who wants the home and will close escrow at terms agreeable to both parties. It really is that simple. There is no need to complicate the situation.

For example, last week I listed a couple of homes that are very different from each other. One home is close to the Foothill Farms neighborhood, near Madison. The sellers were concerned that they needed to rip out the carpeting and replace it. They also were thinking about pulling off the wall the entire tub and shower combination and installing new. A cabinet drawer was not seated properly in the kitchen. That drawer was a concern for the sellers. I made my suggestions, which were minimal and probably not what I imagine the sellers were expecting to hear. I helped them to locate a couple contractors.

I also correctly identified who the buyer would be and, sure enough, that’s exactly who we are in escrow with today. I described that person to a T. That’s who bought it, too. And this is not a person I personally know, in case you’re wondering. This is what experience brings to my sellers. They can pay the same for a new agent as for an experienced agent, and experience tends to provide better results.

The other home was an astonishing disaster. Not at all what I had been expecting or what the sellers had imagined. They hadn’t seen the home in 25 years. It was, for lack of a better phrase, a shambles. But have no fear, there is a buyer for this kind of home, too. That buyer is a flipper, a person who will try to negotiate the lowest price possible to maximize future potential profit. I know the kind of buyer we’re dealing with, and we have a few of those buyers right now vying for this home. The right one will buy it. Because there is a buyer for every home.

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