The Rolex Store at the Shops of Wailea

shop dropIt was very unlikely that Barbara, my team member, nor I would buy anything in the Rolex store at The Shops at Wailea, but that didn’t stop us from entering. I enjoy looking at small trinkets to adorn my wrist that cost $30,000. To buy a Rolex, I imagine a person would need to develop either a blatant disregard for money or have lost all concept of money. The thing could cost $30 or add another 3 zeros, and it would make no difference because the price tag probably carries little meaning when a person has billions.

That’s why it’s a bit fun to let the salesperson show you items when you know that never in a million years would you ever buy it. You can say that to the clerk’s face, but they know better. They know even though you might never in a million years buy it, you are holding a credit card, therefore, it is possible that you might.

The lights in the store are designed to display the wares in all of their glittering goodness. I asked the clerk how they can sell a Rolex when so few people even wear a watch anymore. I wondered out loud if this was a business doomed to head some other direction, like IBM or Kodak.

That’s when the other salesperson in the store blurted out: It’s a legacy. It’s a timeless piece of art and beautiful jewelry.

They showed us a gold necklace made from smashed peas. Look, the clerk smiled longingly at the piece, it’s so pretty you want to pet it.

No, we didn’t buy anything. But I enjoyed their sales techniques.




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