A Sacramento Thursday is a New Day in Real Estate

A Sacramento Thursday is a new day in real estate. Today started with a cup of coffee at 6 AM. I live on a farm, so my chores in the morning consist of hungry critters. I make my coffee, then feed the chickens and collect eggs. My German Shepherds, I have to release as I keep them up by my room for protection at night in a small enclosed yard. I open the gate, and they run about 30 miles an hour to their back acre of fenced yard. I feed them each a fresh organic egg every A.M.; they love them.
Then my Schipperkee Dogs, they love a Sacramento Thursday. They sleep in a playpen in my room, three girls. They bark with excitement to go out to the front yard, a fenced 1/2 acre, and run their hearts out.
Next, my indoor cats need full feed bowls and fresh water. I then clean the cat boxes. My male purebred Ragdoll cat sleeps in my laundry room at night. He can not run free, or he would impregnate my female Ragdoll. That is fine and good when I want kittens, but not in the spring. As a busy Sacramento Realtor, kittens are every other year in the winter, LOL. He goes to his outdoor pen daily to enjoy fresh air, see birds and live a healthy and safe lifestyle. We have coyotes in the country.
Ok, now the rest of the outdoor cats. I do a lot of cat rescue. I have 13 cats. Many are outside ferals that have become my friends over the years. One named Angel is 19 years old. She sleeps with a heat lamp and is very spoiled by my family. My sister, Cathie, and brother-in-law, Greg, live with me, and they take care of all the animals while I work every day. They are a Godsend. I do the morning routine, and then they take over after that. I feed my two horses, say good morning girls, and now it is 8 AM, so I’m off to work. A Sacramento Thursday is a new day in real estate compared to a Wordless Wednesday; but, then, that is another story for a blog. Have a great day, everyone.
If you want to hire a real estate team to help you obtain your real estate goals, call Weintraub & Wallace Realtors at RE/MAX Gold, 916-233-6759.
— JaCi Wallace