The Absolute Best Way to Find an Elk Grove Realtor

Don’t leave it to chance when hoping to find an Elk Grove Realtor.
If you were looking to find an Elk Grove Realtor a few years ago, it was much easier than it is today. You could put find an Elk Grove Realtor into Google or some other search engine and a bunch of top producers would pop up. Today, it is more of a hassle, and you’ll likely land on one of those aggregate websites that make side agreements to receive referral fees from agents for every client. Unfortunately, those websites will require you to sign up, to provide your personal data and email, and then they will send your information to a bunch of Elk Grove Realtors who ultimately hound you to death.
Or, you can do what this seller in Elk Grove did. She asked another Elk Grove seller for a referral to a top producer. Oh, she probably plodded through trying to find an Elk Grove Realtor first, but eventually gave up and called the top producer her friend recommended: Elizabeth Weintraub. I sold that friend’s home in Elk Grove, another home in the Pocket and helped him to buy in West Sacramento. She wanted to sell a halfplex in Foulks Ranch, a neighborhood in one of the 3 Elk Grove ZIP codes where the Elizabeth Weintraub Team specializes.
It’s a good thing the seller called this Elk Grove Realtor. My team and I create magic. It was difficult to pick a price for the halfplex. In fact, since we went on the market, I’ve received phone calls from a few other agents in Elk Grove asking how I determined the price because they were working on something similar. I determined the price based on my 40+ years in real estate. I know how to comp out homes when there are no comparable sales. It’s a gift in a way, coupled with experience and competence.
We positioned the pricing to receive multiple offers. I worked closely with the tenant. Held an open house, marketed the home like crazy and, 5 days later, bingo, we selected an offer. I guided the seller to choose the most committed and qualified offer, which was not the highest. There is only so far an appraisal will bend, and buyers in this price range typically do not have the extra cash to bridge appraisal gaps. We also sold the home without repairs, after the home inspection and pest inspection.
The best news is we closed escrow yesterday at 104% of list price. If you’ve ever been afraid to pay a full-service agent her commission, hoping you can get a better deal elsewhere, consider the 104% of sales price and no repairs. Wouldn’t you like to sell at 104%? Top agents provide services you will never receive anywhere else. If you are trying to find an Elk Grove Realtor, you should call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759.