Another Useful Way to Hire a Home Stager

Why not hire a home stager for setting up your new home?
A received a call the other day from a Land Park home owner who asked me if I could refer her to an interior designer. She was in the process of improving her living areas and wanted to buy new furniture, window coverings and accessories, but didn’t know where to start. Guess she figured out from some of my blogs that I live in Land Park. I am also a very easy Land Park agent to find in Google. My websites and blogs rank with four URLs out of the top 10.
It was not unusual for a person I do not know to call me looking for advice. Of course, with all home purchasing decisions, it’s important to have a goal in mind, a picture of your finished product. While you might adore a butter-soft Italian leather sofa, for example, it’s difficult to imagine how it might fit in with your existing decor or whether you should design a room around that single piece of furniture.
I recommended that she call a home stager. It was a thought that had not occurred to her but made a lot of sense. After all, many stagers are artists. They are creative and can turn an otherwise boring space into a showcase. Home stagers aren’t useful only when selling a home; stagers are innovative designers who can transform a living space into a delightful environment for home owners to enjoy as well.
I’ve had sellers tell me that after a home stager worked on their home for selling, they wanted that same home stager to come over to their new home after they move and help set it up. And why not? A home stagers has a knack and specific training that will help you to design a living space in which to live your life. A home stager is not just for selling.
If you’re interested in selling your home, call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759. 40 years at your service.