Do Sacramento REALTORS get a Sick Day?

Sick Woman. Flu. Woman Caught Cold. Sneezing into Tissue. Headache. Virus. MedicinesThis Sacramento Realtor has been very fortunate over the past 10 years to not have had a sick day. I can’t remember the last time I felt so horrible. Usually, I work through any kind of illness, and I probably will do so today as well because, let’s face it, just because my head is hanging over the toilet doesn’t mean I can’t send a text message or an email. I got my old-person’s flu shot this winter, too, but, apparently it was not a safeguard this time. This year’s flu shots are only about 25% effective, I hear.

Without going into graphic detail, because nobody needs to hear about my projectile vomiting except perhaps 5-year-olds — and I wish I had some of those around me right now so I could entertain them with my vivid descriptions. Suffice to say it entailed three rooms. The worst was probably when I was down on my hands and knees in our new marble bath scrubbing the grout with Tilex. No, no, not the grout.

I slept for more than 12 hours. Not before I called a couple of new clients. I am listing a home in Land Park shortly, and probably another in Arden. Other people might say what is wrong with her, calling clients from her sick bed, but the thing is I could not sleep if I did not take care of business first.

Today, I will take it easy and work from my home office. There is no appointment in the world that can’t wait until tomorrow.

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