What Everybody Else Knows About Soap Products But Me

Women’s soap products at Target on Broadway in Land Park.
Most people are surprised when I tell them I do not go grocery shopping, so it’s not astonishing to me that I would not possess much knowledge about soap products. A lot of my products I buy online. But my husband does the grocery shopping and makes runs to Target all the time for certain items, including soap products. I had been lying in bed Sunday morning, reading the newspaper like old people tend to do, and there was a comic strip, Pickles.
The old guy says to his wife, “Do you know soap is now segregated by sex?” He goes on to explain that he and his wife are rebels because they use the same bar of soap. Then his wife lays the bomb on him that she never touches that bar of soap in the shower. She keeps her soap somewhere else.
I had to ask my husband about this. Is it true that soap products are located on different aisles in the grocery store? He had received “man soap products” from Proctor and Gamble because they came free with razor blades or something. Don’t even get me started on razor blades. How the razor is now some plastic piece of crap from China and the razor blades cost $4.00 each. It’s enough to make me revolt and stop shaving. But “man soap products”? I had never heard of such a thing.
Men’s soap products in a separate section at Target on Broadway in Land Park.
I was wondering if they make the man soap products extra special. Because one of the products, a 3-in-one product, promises to be a shampoo, cleaner and energizer. I guess the shampoo is for your hair, the cleaner is for your body, but the energizer part left me confused. Perhaps men do something else in the shower that is energizing, and perhaps it’s due to the extra slippery soap? This is when I was informed men would do no such thing.
The family soap section at Target on Broadway in Land Park.
This was a revelation to me because let’s face it, what better place than a shower for such activity? No trace of any residual. But apparently soap in a certain small opening is very painful. Not possessing that sort of anatomy, I had no idea. Of course, I had to ask if just holding that particular aspect under the shower was perhaps enjoyable, without any soap whatsoever. In no certain terms I was asked how would I feel if I turned my head sideways and let water run up my nose? Well, that explains everything, doesn’t it?
Perhaps more than you ever wanted to know. But when I learn new things, I like to pass along that knowledge.