How to Find a Place to Rent in Sacramento

Trying to find a place to rent in Sacramento requires sleuthing.
If you are trying to find a place to rent in Sacramento, whether it’s an apartment or a house, you might have a tough time of it. Not only because we are experiencing a shortage of rental homes in Sacramento, but because the super nice places tend to rent fairly quickly. On top of this, there is no one particular online website to go to find homes for rent in Sacramento. But as a Sacramento Realtor, I do have a few tips for prospective tenants.
Sacramento Realtors do not find homes for tenants. Other cities in other states have rental agents who work with tenants and for a fee will help a tenant find a home. Not so in Sacramento. At least not that I can find. This is a business that some enterprising entrepreneur in Sacramento should open. They wouldn’t even have to maintain a brick and mortar, just a website would suffice.
The reason you won’t find rental agents, I suspect, is because there is not enough money in the rental business as a rental agent. Agents prefer to sell homes. What you will find are property managers.
Property managers work for the landlord. They don’t work for the tenant. Property managers employ rental agents who show rental homes that the owner of their property management company manages. Each shows only their own listings, in other words. If you’re trying to find a place to rent in Sacramento, try calling looking up property management companies in Sacramento and cruise through that inventory for rent.
Property management companies where you may find a place to rent in Sacramento
Lyon Real Estate Property Management
Homepointe Property Management
Sacramento Delta Property Management
Another place online to search for a place to rent in Sacramento are websites that cater to listings but also provide rental properties in Sacramento. Be very careful when you are looking for homes or apartments to rent in Sacramento online. There seems to be an inordinate number of scams, many originating in Africa. They swipe listing photos, make up a rental ad, steal your deposit and first month’s rent and you never hear from them again. If the rent seems disproportionate for the neighborhood, it probably it is a scam.
Websites With Places to Rent in Sacramento
For people with pets who need to find a rental in Sacramento, I have written a separate blog from a few years back that include pet-friendly rentals such as apartments and houses available in Sacramento. Please check out Pet Friendly Rental Homes in Sacramento.
When you get tired of renting a home or decide to explore buying your own place in Sacramento, please call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759. Buying a home in Sacramento today is often cheaper than renting. Don’t ask a property manager to help you to buy a home. That job belongs to the professionals who do it every day like Elizabeth Weintraub.