Following Up With Sacramento Home Sellers and Buyers is Not Stalking

Following up with Sacramento home sellers and buyers results in closed transactions.
There are real estate agents, probably right here in Sacramento, who believe following up with Sacramento home sellers and buyers is akin to stalking or harassing people. I know this because I read it on a national agent website. The agents believe that once a seller, say, contacts a Realtor, the Realtor should try to call the seller once or twice maybe and then stop. Because anything further would be stalking or harassment. They honestly believe that if they sit back and wait, a seller will return their call because they think the world revolves around themselves.
I can see that in their makeup, many of whom live in southern states, that would be true for their reality. Different mindset. But it’s certainly not true in Sacramento, California. Many of our real estate clients come to us from looking at homes online. We receive a ton of internet leads and sign calls. Following up with Sacramento home sellers and buyers is what the prospects expect from us. I suspect that agents who object to an assertive follow-up plan are those who don’t feel comfortable in sales to begin with. They don’t like to be referred to as salespeople, even though that’s precisely what they are.
Those of us who are true professionals realize that we were contacted by an individual who needs our help or that person would not have called.
Agents forget that sellers and buyers have their own lives. Perhaps a soon-to-be client sends an email at 8:00 AM from her cellphone before her boss walks into the office. We can call her every couple of hours, and she might not be able to respond. If she has emailed more than one agent, when she finally gets home for the evening, which agent will she call back? The Realtor who left one message or the Sacramento Realtor who sent 3 emails, 3 text messages and called 5 times?
The reason many agents believe that following up with Sacramento home sellers and buyers is stalking is because they don’t get a call back. They don’t get a call back because another agent such as Elizabeth Weintraub has proved herself to be more assertive and a better communicator who really wants to help. Like a good friend of mine, JaCi, once said to me, if prospective clients didn’t want you to call, they would ask you to stop. And they don’t.
In fact, our Sacramento home sellers and buyers tell me they are thrilled we are persistent. Completely opposite of what some agents want to believe. Those agents want to believe it’s harassment because they are frightened and scared. Don’t want to upset the status quo. Nobody wants an agent like that.
This is one of the ways the Elizabeth Weintraub Team shines in Sacramento and why our clients love us. We aren’t sitting around twiddling our thumbs wondering if we are doing the wrong thing. We’re out there doing the business. This means following up with Sacramento home sellers and buyers until we connect and close their transactions. We get the job done. If you want a pro, a top producer, call us at 916.233.6759. We close over $30 million annually.