Fun Photos From the California State Fair 2018

California State Fair 2018

We probably have not been to the California State Fair since before they changed the time period from August to July. August is such a hot month in Sacramento. Well, I mean it was 98 yesterday, and that’s still hot, but not as hot as August often is. Plus, there were misting booths and air-conditioned spaces. Although, we had a long walk from the parking lot to the entrance gate in the hot glaring sun.

I kept my eyes peeled for Lobster Boy or Bearded Lady or some of those other old-timey entertainment tents, but I don’t think they are PC anymore. Did not find any of those.

However, with all of my listings presently pending, it seemed like I deserved a bit of break from my Sacramento Realtor duties and pretty much took the afternoon off. OK, two phone calls and 4 text messages. Still, my phone was fairly quiet.

California STate Fair 2018

What I did find was corn-on-the-cob, which is always my go-to snack for the California State Fair. Any State Fair, really, gotta get roasted corn-on-the-cob. I also heard a lot of unsolicited comments about my shirt. Everybody loves this t-shirt. I found it at Nordstrom maybe 5 years ago. Most of the chuckles are from women. The guys just stare and say they don’t get it. In case you can’t read it, it says: Eat Your Lettuce and Be Sad.

California State Fair 2018

Don’t ask me what kind of cow this is, because I have no idea. Cows are not my thing. I do not know anything about them except they need to be milked twice a day or they will explode. This particular cow looks like she has a river running across her shoulder, and the world map is stamped on her body.

California State Fair 2018

Yes, ask me about goats. I know a lot about goats. For example, these darling critters are Nubian goats as evidenced by their long silky ears. I used to have a Nubian goat whose name was Zubie, and she lived in my back yard in Newport Heights in Costa Mesa. She and I would go on walks together. Little old ladies would stop me to pet her, telling me how much they love Dobermans. I was also shocked to discover that I could not get milk from Zubie unless I had a male goat around. I learned that little fact by going to the Orange County State Fair one year and asking.

California State Fair 2018

I love carousels. Especially older antiques.  One afternoon while working as a marketing and communications director in Minneapolis, I talked a group of coworkers into grabbing a bus and going to the Como Park Zoo. We ate hotdogs and rode around and around on the Painted Ponies on a 1914 vintage carousel. It was common for me to plan long lunch outings with my workers.

No wonder, I also worked as a meeting planner. Won an award from Meeting Planners International for Best Meeting of the Year in Minnesota. Only because nobody else applied for it, and I said to myself, hell, I’ll take that award then.

California State Fair 2018

And we bet on the winning horse in Thoroughbred racing, Race #2, at the California State Fair. The one in front, in red, Knust. Not big gamblers. We paid $6.00 for win, place or show, and we won $12.40, which we promptly splurged on aquas frescas. It was hot. Did I mention how hot it was! Fun afternoon at the California State Fair. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Elizabeth Weintraub

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