How Much Sacramento Agents Earn

How much Sacramento agents earn can fluctuate from year to year, based on the market.
A real estate agent’s salary, how much Sacramento agents earn in a year, can be a staggering amount of money or just enough to squeak by, and there doesn’t seem to be as much in the middle as you might think. Of course, there will always be those envious individuals who think agents make too much money for what we do, but those people don’t work in real estate and have little idea of what’s involved in the business. Rarely, though, do I meet a person who is concerned that I might not make enough money or end up with no commission on a transaction, and worries out loud about it like a client I met with last night in Midtown.
She was concerned it might take me 6 months or longer to sell her home in Midtown. Maybe it will. It’s a unique property. Maybe it won’t. It will take as long as it takes to find the right buyer. I promised to create a customized marketing plan for this seller. She didn’t want to me to spend a lot of time working on selling her home in Midtown and not get paid. You’ve got to adore people like this, even if that sort of thought process is unnecessary.
The thing is I don’t think about how much about how much money I earn. It is not my focus. Some wise person once said if you focus on your passion, the money will come. It is true. I love my job and don’t really envision my tasks and duties as work, per se. It’s just something I am driven to do. Attack my income, though, try to tell me I should cut my commission, and daggers fly. With precision. A person does not try to tell me I am not worth what I charge and still work with me. I run into people from time to time who want to cut off their noses to spite their faces. They are not my client base. They don’t know what they don’t know.
But I rarely run into a client who worries about how much Sacramento agents earn, concerned that we don’t make enough or won’t make any money. I explained to the seller in Midtown in part how I have been working on selling a home in Elk Grove now for almost a year and a half. Went into escrow yesterday. I don’t give up. Hey, I used to sell a lot of short sales, more than any other agent in a 7-county area over the last 10 years. Because I don’t focus on the money. I focus on my sellers. I make my sellers happy because of my job performance. The home in Elk Grove had issues that needed to be resolved, and some of those issues required time to pass. I stuck with it because I made a commitment.
They all eventually close. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not next month. But they will close. Every sale is unique. I’ve heard of agents who drop sellers and cancel listings because it involves too much work or they become disillusioned. They no longer believe in the process. Those agents are idiots.
I never worry about much Sacramento agents earn or my personal income. Depending on market conditions, my annual income can fluctuate. It never falls flat. I’m too busy selling Sacramento real estate. I can sell some homes in a week and another house could take a year or more of concentrated effort. It makes no difference to me.