Huggable Hangers: Small Closet Solutions for Older Sacramento Homes
Huggable hangers can solve small closet woes and clothes stay put.
Full credit goes to Kathy Streib, a home stager in Palm Beach County, Florida, for introducing me to Huggable Hangers. In some ways, she sent me down a rabbit hole, which I’ll get to, but first, let me say this is a great product. These are hangers for shirts and dresses and another type for pants and skirts. If you have limited closet space, you’ll probably start drooling over these hangers just like I did. If the marketing seems a bit familiar, it’s because you probably know the woman who invented Huggable Hangers.
The same Joy Mangano who came up with the idea for the Miracle Mop. I know about Joy Mangano because I watched the 2015 movie of her rise to corporate power starring Jennifer Lawrence in Joy. Probably on a flight to Hawaii because my husband swears we didn’t watch that film together. Jennifer Lawrence was nominated for an Oscar for this role, btw.
Living in a single-story home in Land Park, you can bet I have somewhat limited closet space. My husband has two closets, but I have only one, with two sliding doors. Why is that? I don’t know. Still, it’s only about 72-inches wide. Before I married my husband, I used to enjoy six double closets all to myself, if you can believe that. I had one closet just for evening gowns and a bunch of old wedding dresses. Today, Huggable Hangers seemed like part of the answer to my quest for organized space.
I went to Joy’s website and soon realized I needed to first count the number of shirt hangers versus the number of pants / skirt hangers. Then I tried to reconfigure it to match the products she had available. The only feasible way was to buy a few of the 48-item package but it came with a bunch of other stuff I would never use, and then mix it with 24-count packages of shirt hangers. It would have cost well over $300. I read the reviews, and some of them said that a cheaper manufacturer is making the products now, and they aren’t as good as the original HSN Huggable Hangers. But I did discover they are now sold at Macy’s.
Macy’s website showed them at a discount, with another discount applied on top. But it wasn’t clear whether the clips for the pants hangers were included. Since I had to go to Nordstrom yesterday anyway to return stuff I had bought for our house in Hawaii, I decided to stop at Macy’s in Arden Fair to look for Huggable Hangers. First, this department is in the basement, kind of a creepy place to go. No windows. Way in the back, past the men’s department, by the sheets and towels. I wondered: why is Macy’s making me walk through the men’s department to buy hangers? Women don’t want to stroll through men’s clothing and underwear, putting up with weirdo guys shoving smelly cologne samples at us. No, ick.
The clerk said they don’t sell Huggable Hangers anymore at Macy’s because nobody wanted to buy them. However, he had a bunch off the floor in storage. They were on sale too, for about 1/3 the price at Joy Mangano’s website. I didn’t buy every hanger but I bought more than 100 shirt hangers. The pants / skirts hangers don’t come with clips, so those are useless. Says so right on the box (not included), but the clerk swore the clips were in the box. No, they were not in the stinkin’ box because we opened it. The clips are available at HSN.
However, now my closet is very organized. The hangers are much slimmer, which means they take up a lot less room. The velvet makes your clothes stick so blouses don’t slide off. No pointy shoulder-syndrome either. Further, they have the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, on top of Oprah’s endorsement, whatever that crap is worth.