The Last of the Produce From Our Land Park Garden

Tomatoes and giant cucumber from our Land Park garden in Sacramento.
One of the nicest things about living in California and growing a Land Park garden in Sacramento is the fact we enjoy an extended harvest. We can plant our veggies earlier than other parts of the country and continue to cultivate produce from early spring long into October. Although, I must say I was bit astonished when I dug around where the cucumber vines were all lumped together. There, nestled in the dirt, was a humongous cucumber we somehow overlooked.
My husband, being the kind of guy he is, with a waste-not-want-not type of attitude, says, hey, we can still eat it. Just scoop out the seeds. No, he can still eat it but I’m not chowing down on an oversized tasteless cucumber that’s been sitting in the dirt for months. I will eat escamoles (ant larva) but no months-old cucumbers for me.
Look at all those tomatoes from our Land Park garden. We’ve got Juliet tomatoes, a sort of cherry tomato, and I don’t know what the others are except that they are growing all over the garden that the city crew dug up when they installed last month water meters in Land Park. They were very careful not to disturb the tomatoes. I wish they had taken some tomatoes with them.
There is nothing better than a fresh salad for lunch made with home-grown produce. It’s what I typically dine on every single day. And now it is all gone. There is nothing left but spent vines and weeds. Given our hectic schedules, we probably won’t get around to tearing out the garden in its entirety so we can replant until next spring. Although a winter garden is possible to maintain in Sacramento, our Land Park garden is an unlikely candidate. We’d have to find time for it, and I’ll be gone to Hawaii for a few months this winter, working on selling Sacramento real estate from Kona. So it seems kinda pointless.
As you read this, we are on our way home to Land Park from San Francisco. Perhaps I will post photos from our dinner at Saison on Friday night or the Saturday show featuring Greg Dulli and the Afghan Whigs at The Fillmore later on this week. Right after I get caught up on what will happen today at our 5 open houses in Sacramento. In my crazy life, business comes first.