Musicians for a Trump-Free America: 30 Days 30 songs

Aimee Mann wrote and performed the second song for 30 days 30 songs.
Little brings us together in America like music, and you can watch it develop at the website 30 days 30 songs. Unlike Donald Trump who steals songs from musicians and plays their music at his rallies without permission, these gifted artists are crafting original songs in hopes their lyrics will inspire voters to keep America Trump-Free.
Hey, I awoke in Minneapolis that one chilly morning on November 3, 1998, rubbed my eyeballs and discovered to my utter amazement that Jesse Ventura had won the election. It happened again after I moved back to California. As a result, I no longer trust that people will apply logic, common sense or even human decency to voting. You may snicker that you never trusted the public to do what is right or just, and good for you but don’t rub it in, OK?
However, you can jump aboard the 30 days 30 songs effort. The first song release was on Monday, October 10th, with Death Cab for Cutie doing Million Dollar Loan. The second release was October 11th, with my favorite musician Aimee Mann, performing Can’t You Tell? Mann’s premise is Trump doesn’t want the job; he just wants to win. It’s a thrill to win. The job? Meh!
Read the chorus:
“Isn’t anybody going to stop me?
I don’t want this job
I don’t want this job, my god
Can’t you tell
I’m unwell”
30 days 30 songs. What a brilliant idea. Let’s spread the word. Let’s try to keep America Trump-free, for crying out loud. I realize, too, that many real estate agents will not take a political stand for fear of alienation and losing business, but this Sacramento Realtor subscribes to the notion that if you don’t take a stand, you are part of the problem. I’m not a fence sitter.
Photo: Aimee Mann performed in Santa Cruz 2015, © Elizabeth Weintraub