Search Results for: lowball offers

If You Don’t Write a Purchase Offer You’ll Never Know

...  She wanted to know if my seller would entertain a lowball offer. Now, see, that’s being polite. That’s encouraging ...

Why Home Buyers Won’t Buy a Short Sale in Sacramento

...  my time and the seller’s time to submit garbage offers on behalf of their greedy little buyers who love to lowball, and you’ve got to wonder what planet these agents live on. As ...

Do Sacramento Agents Discount Real Estate Commissions?

...  when you get an offer. Put pressure on you to accept a lowball offer. When I receive a purchase offer, the first thing I often think ...

Sacramento First-Time Homebuyers Now Have a Fighting Chance

...  we Sacramento listing agents still receive full-price cash offers and a few lowballs from investors, but for the most part, the market is made up of ...

5 Ways to Get Your Sacramento Purchase Offer Rejected

...  I stare at my offer tracking sheets to count the number of offers that are excellent examples of how not to write a purchase offer to buy ...  is incomplete. The fourth rule is don’t submit a lowball offer when the seller has received multiple offers. You would think ...

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