Search Results for: comparable sales

How to Close $2 Million in Sales in Sacramento in One Day

...  $2 million in sales in one day in Sacramento is remarkable A milestone day happened yesterday ...  when escrow mentioned I was about to close $2 million in sales in one day. What? $2 million in sales for Sacramento home sales in one ...  of homes in Elk Grove. When the seller and I examined the comparable sales, the top price we could justify for this particular home was a ...

Why Home Sellers Should Not Pick a Sales Price

...  for example? It depends on which part of Elk Grove and the sales price ranges, but if we look at 95757 for the past 30 days, the average ...  and, in fact, many of their agents will not share those comparable sales, for a variety of reasons. Home buyers tend to have limited ...

Raising the Sales Price When a Home is Overpriced is a Bad Idea

...  the sales price when your home doesn’t sell because it’s priced too ...  and carries little weight if there are no offers. A sales price is an enticement, like bait on a fishing hook, but there is no ...  sideways. What matters are the pending sales and the sold comparable sales because those are the homes that real home buyers have ...

Dangers of Hiring Any Old Realtor for Sacramento Short Sales

...  Sacramento short sales are not the same, and a seller should not just hire any old Realtor he or ...  place to start with. For crying out loud, Sacramento short sales are traumatic enough without lopping a second or third helping of pain on ...  was part of the problem, the offer was too far below the comparable sales. Would her buyer like to increase the offer or does the buyer ...

Bank Pricing for Short Sales and Foreclosures

...  of thin air, but I doubt it. They tend to confuse short sales with foreclosures and bank-owned homes. My favorite is when I hear that ...  is willing to pay, which is generally substantiated by comparable sales. Flippers get a little bit of a discount for buying the home ...

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