Search Results for: lowball offers

West Sacramento Police Demanded Listing Agent Stop Selling House

...  I know how to deal with these things. We ignored the lowball offers. Instead, we pulled a rabbit out of the hat and sold that house to an ...

The Insane State of Our 2017 Real Estate Market in Sacramento

...  home. If agents are hauling around buyers who want to make lowball offers, those agents are wasting valuable time that could be spent working with ...

Why the Buyer Matters for a Natomas Short Sale Offer

...  that. If they want to make unreasonable demands, submit lowball offers, fail to deposit earnest money, they can go make somebody else’s ...

The Real Meaning of Investor-Friendly Agents in Sacramento

...  Realtor to torment, er, I mean write a bunch of worthless offers. What should an agent do when faced with a guy who wants to work ...  would be offers substantially less than market value, and lowball offers on newer listings. It’s basically the well known practice ...

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