Search Results for: lowball offers

Fixer in Sacramento Listing Hitting the Market Today

...  somewhere. These guys want to steal the property, make lowball offers, all based on locating a willing and cooperative agent to help them out. ...

Banks Do Not Care About Your Short Sale

...  agent will plead. Oh, please. Show the bank months of lowball offers, photos and estimates and one might make headway. Banks do not care ...

Hiring a Bad Short Sale Expert Carries Consequences, Unlike Meeting, Say, Pope Francis

...  listing hurt us a bit. We received lots of pretend offers and lowball offers and tons of showings, but we held out for that buyer we knew ...

Tips for Selling a Fixer Home in Sacramento as a Short Sale

...  for an approval. Throw into the mix the abundance of lowball offers from other buyers, guided by agents who also can’t estimate repair ...

A Ditech Short Sale in Elk Grove That Seterus Tried to Hijack

...  anywhere near the comparable sales. We received 4 or 5 offers, all around 80% of market value, which banks don’t take. ...  been doing it long enough that I know better than to throw lowball offers at the bank and hope they will stick. One Sacramento agent even ...

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