Why Not Play Pool at R15 Bar in Midtown Sacramento?

Two guys playing pool at R15 Bar in Midtown.
Have you ever thought to yourself, why not play pool at R15 Bar? Crossed my mind yesterday. Seeing as how yesterday was Memorial Day, I did not think there would be much going on to ring my cellphone, but Sacramento real estate never seems to sleep. There were buyers freaking out over home inspection reports and canceling escrows just like any other day. Hopeful buyers calling about sold listings they found online at some of those popular websites. Even a referral from a former blogger I met through an agent website popped up on my cell, just as I was about to scratch. She called me a workhorse because I immediately responded to the listing referral.
Elizabeth Weintraub scratches again at pool at R15 Bar.
Well, she didn’t see the shot that I completely missed.
I am not a very good pool player but I was good enough to play pool at R15 Bar. Especially against a one-eyed man, as my husband reminded me when I won two games. He just had eye surgery. It was a good walk from our house in Land Park, and a beautiful day to be outside. Something different to do on a holiday afternoon, you know, find a local pool hall and play pool at R15 Bar. Plus, it gave us an excuse to sample the Lagunitas IPA, whose mutt face of an adorable dog we spotted on the back of a Lagunitas truck while driving through Midtown.
The thing that astonished me was the cost to play pool at R15 Bar. Por supuesto, we’ve only played pool together at international luxury resorts where act-TIV-ah-TEES are generally free. What happened to 25 cents a game? My husband says pool hasn’t cost a quarter since 1978, which would be about the time I moved from Nederland, Colorado, to California. I used to play pool now and then at the Pioneer Inn. Times have changed. It now costs 4 quarters to play pool. And the tables aren’t green, they are red.
On our way there, we strolled past a bunch of Isane Clown Posse kids. They crawled out of their coffins and apocalypse wasteland to descend on Ace of Spades, but not without a stop at the Faygo truck. You can tell it’s a Faygo truck (see below) because it has FAYGO written on it. The Insane Clown Posse kids spray each other with this pop during shows. Everybody has their own thing.
Like my husband and I deciding at the spur of the moment to play pool at R15. The place was air conditioned, the food looked decent, the pool cues were abundant, and I give two thumbs up for the Lagunitas IPA.
Fargo truck parked in Midtown, Sacramento, before Isane Clown Posse show.