Realtor.Com Releases Elizabeth Banks Video About Home Buying

elizabeth banks explains the home buying process

Elizabeth Banks delivers a stunning performance in the home buying video.

How cool is it that Elizabeth Banks is starring in a video about homebuying right on the page of my article at Trends for Home Buyers? Not just because we share a name or that she’s insanely gorgeous with a wicked sense of humor — not to mention, enormously talented — but because Elizabeth Banks delivers the hilarious truth about buying a home. is definitely turning over a new leaf, I’ve got to admit. After being ignored by many in the industry and slipping further into the cracks of despair over the past decade, something happened over there and it’s like a new day, new management and a startling fresh approach — just in the nick of time, some would say. and also created a first-time home buyer handbook, which I helped to create, btw, consisting of 5 snappy tips. That campaign is also on my Trends for Home Buyers page in the upper right-hand corner.

They were smart to bring in a top-producer Sacramento REALTOR to help with that campaign. So often these types of things are created by people who are part-time or not in the real estate business and, worse, part of a committee — oh, don’t get me started on committee compromises, the death of all that is pure and honest as we know it. I am excited to be part of this amazing new process, regardless of how small a part I may play.

You know, Trulia has a video with the guy from New Girl, Max Greenfield, cute, with slightly sexual innuendos, but it’s not nearly as enticing and amusing as Elizabeth Banks in the video. I’m telling ya, they outdid themselves with this promotion, and you’ve got to watch it. It’s brilliant. Take it from a person with the patience level of a termite when it comes to viewing videos. I watched all 5 of the series, and you’ll be just as hooked.

To see the series, click on this link Trends for Home Buyers.
Photo:  Kathclick, Big Stock Photo

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