Sacramento Agent Deliberately Damaged a Home When Showing

Two holes in the siding are from an agent who damaged a home when showing.
With all the things going on at our trio of Sunday open houses, I did not expect to hear that a Sacramento agent deliberately damaged a home when showing his buyer the house. Granted, the agent called to admit his guilt because the neighbors had taken photographs of his red car, with the prominent real estate sign on his door, and he knew it. This was about an hour before the incredible Barbara Dow had arrived to open the home for showings. The agent’s excuse was he was trying to show his buyer there was dry-rot damage to the siding, because agents are such dry-rot experts — NOT — so he kicked the siding with his foot. He left a large hole. Then, for some unknown reason, he kicked the siding a second time. What was his excuse then?
I told him I would not be driving about town with a large real estate sign engraved into my car door if I were prone to kicking in siding. I asked why he thought his actions that damaged a home were permissible in this business. Out of all the training manuals and books about showing real estate and my 43 years in the business, I’ve never heard anybody suggest an agent should kick or poke or prod or otherwise damage a home while showing it. For any reason. This is absurd.
Buyer’s agent damaged a home at 2430 Stokewood Way.
After he kicked holes in the siding, he still went in to show the home, apparently with a line of neighbors screaming at him. They said he was arrogant. He allegedly told the neighbors he didn’t care if the Sacramento Realtor or owner was informed of his actions. You can see in this photograph how obvious those holes in the siding are from the street. Very noticeable.
Another neighbor sent the photographs to the seller’s niece who forwarded the photos to the seller. The seller asked what he could do. He was furious, and I don’t blame him. I would be livid myself. When that agent damaged a home and didn’t offer to make amends or even an apology, it made everybody wonder if he should have a real estate license. Unfortunately, the Bureau of Real Estate doesn’t discipline agents who damage personal property. That’s the job for the police.
The seller filed a police report, including photos and testimony. This is simply inexcusable, extremely unprofessional. The open house guests all talked about the holes in the siding. The seller also has the agent’s name and contact information. Perhaps he’ll take him to Small Claim’s Court and collect damages. Just because this is a fixer home in Rancho Cordova does not give anybody the right to damage a home.