Sacramento Listing Agent Reports Activity

Professional Realtors in Sacramento stick with their sellers until the home sells.
Running out the door with one shoe on and one shoe dangling has been my life during the lovely month of May. Because part of the problem with a limited inventory market like we have in Sacramento is when a seller is ready to list her home, that listing can often be awarded to the first agent who shows up. It’s nice if that Sacramento listing agent is qualified and experienced, but that’s not always the case.
Which is the reason why not only do I expect to be first, but I feel like I need to explain my credentials, to make sure my sellers understand that what they are receiving is a rare commodity. A top Sacramento Realtor still kicking butt after 40 years. A seller called a few days ago to reschedule her appointment, which conflicted with something else. I told her it was OK to reschedule me, but I still want to be first. Because after she meets me, she won’t want to or need to talk to any other Sacramento listing agent.
She got a kick out of that. How many listing agents can say that, though? Or, perhaps I should ask how many agents can say that with a straight face and back it up?
My sellers typically appreciate my straight-forwardness and ability to get things done. One of my sellers seemed rather overwhelmed with a trust sale, so I offered to meet the locksmith and pay to have the locks changed on the day her listing goes on the market. It was a small thing, but something that I could slip into my schedule and handle for her, just to make her life easier, so that’s where I stopped by yesterday.
Just in time for a neighbor to pop over and start screaming at me, throwing accusations that I was not looking where I was driving because there could be children in the street. Even though there were no children there at the time. They could have jumped out of nowhere and landed on the hood of my car, and she wanted to make sure I understood the severity of the situation. After I ascertained that was indeed talking to me, doing my best Are You Talking to ME impersonation, I let her know I would definitely keep out my eye out.
Kinda hard to drive with one eye. Might squash a baby.
Another seller elected to alter a time-proven strategy and common listing practice because that’s not how her Sacramento listing agent tried (and failed) to sell her home 10 years ago. I explained that times change, local customs change, and if she didn’t do things the way I advised, it could hurt her chances of selling. But she wasn’t hearing any of it. You know what? Keeping my seller happy is more important. I offered to revisit the situation in 2 weeks if it doesn’t move like she imagined.
I wouldn’t trade what I do for any other job in the world.