Saying That Home in Sacramento Will Never Sell is Stupid

If you say a home in Sacramento will never sell, it eventually will sell, and you would be wrong.
Nobody should ever say that home in Sacramento will never sell. You want to hear something else insane? I ducked into a grocery store in Sacramento recently to make a quick pit stop to buy veggies. I wasn’t buying enough stuff to require a cart or a hand-held basket, and I was in a hurry. So, I piled the veggies into my arms, rushed to the cash register to dump them, and the bill rang up a few cents shy of $29. What did I buy?
- 2 pounds of berries
- couple heads of lettuce
- 1/2 pound of mushrooms
- 3/4 pound of tomatoes
Granted, the mushrooms were sliced and the lettuce was washed, but geez Louise, for 30 bucks that should include free delivery to homes in Land Park. I shouldn’t have to go to the store myself. This may sound odd to you, but I rarely go grocery shopping, ever. I had to fend for myself in Hawaii during the month of December last year, but that’s was the last time.
When did groceries get to be so expensive? When I first started shopping for myself, which would be 1969, I had a system in place to figure out how much I was spending. When the grocery cart was filled just about to its brim, that meant I had reached $25, which was my weekly grocery budget. Now, 25 bucks won’t even pay for veggies I carry in my arms.
I mention this because it’s all in the perspective. We tend to hang on to our memories and form expectations of what’s going on around us based on those memories. It’s like a seller in Land Park expecting a real estate agent to sell her home like we did 30 years ago. Times change. Today, everybody is online. Nobody is looking in the newspaper to buy a home.
I have to stop to think about it because I’ve been in the real estate business for more than 40 years. I’ve evolved with the business. I didn’t wake up like Rip Van Winkle to discover the world around me had changed. I changed with it. It’s second nature for me to be online, to Tweet, post tours, blog, use Photoshop to enhance my home photos, to upload listings to various websites, and I agonize over and try to perfect each and every real estate listing. I keep my fingers on the pulse of the real estate market around me and what’s happening in Sacramento real estate.
Maybe that’s why my Sacramento listings sell at top dollar. I love it when some other agent sneers, “That Sacramento home will never sell at that amount.” And, then it does. If you’re looking for a Sacramento Realtor, call or text Elizabeth Weintraub at 916 233 6759.