Security Cams in Sacramento Houses for Sale

Many sellers have security cams set up in Sacramento houses for sale.
Now, I realize that talking about hidden cameras in a house is probably bad for business, heh, heh, but the fact remains there are live-feed security cams in Sacramento houses for sale. Some security cams record actual activity as a video. You can watch buyers laughing as they conduct a home inspection, listen to what buyer’s agents discuss with buyers, or just watch a BPO agent wander around picking his nose, thinking nobody can see him. I shudder to think what would happen if your underwear was falling down and a girl tried to discreetly adjust.
Buyers say the darnedest things, too. Stuff like, “Ye gads, what a horribly ugly couple,” while they are holding the seller’s wedding photo. I can recall once showing a home and inviting the buyers to sit in the living room so we could discuss the possibility of an offer. I pulled out the comparable sales, and asked the buyers to move closer to talk. Just then I noticed a bear sitting on the end table. Odd place for a stuffed bear. I picked it up, and sure enough, there was a nanny cam inside and the light was red. We scurried outside to talk.
So many people have installed security cams that you don’t know if you’re being watched. Plus, what will the sellers do with your videos and photos? You don’t know.
In the old days, sellers used to turn on an answering machine or tape recorder. Some left telephones off the hook. But it’s way more sophisticated today. We can hear you and see you. We know if you are grabbing a Coke from the ‘frig or snorting coke on the counter. Or reading the seller’s mail by the front door. If you can spot security cams, you can be assured they are most likely in use.
In North Carolina — home of the peeping toms in your underwear — that state real estate commission posted an advisory that says seller’s agents need to inform buyers if they are being videotaped or recorded. I wonder how much longer before California decides such an advisory is necessary? It’s not now, though, so try not to have sex in the seller’s bed when they’re not home, OK?