How to Stop Email Spam When Unsubscribe Does Not Work

stop email spam

You don’t have to shoot the culprit to stop email spam.

Do you want to stop email spam? If you are tired of receiving repeat email spam and have unsubscribed from that email spammer but the unwanted email continues, there is a solution. You do not have to be a slave to your email system just because some moron continues to spam you over and over. I realize Sacramento Realtors are cautious to block any email for fear they could unintentionally block a legitimate business communication attempt, but there are safe ways to do it, and definitely a way to make sure no spam will ever reach your email again. You can stop email spam.

A few months ago I wrote about how to reduce spam. But today, I want to tell you how to stop email spam all together. You know how it goes, especially if you are a Sacramento Realtor. Let’s take a Sacramento home inspector like Brian G, for example. I’m not gonna tell you his last name because there is no reason to try to ruin the reputation of a dingbat home inspector who does not entiende email spam laws; some ignorant idiot. I’m confident some of my readers recognize the problem with this guy or perhaps you are one of the victims who have already filed a complaint against him on YELP?

This turkey has emailed me over and over. I have unsubscribed. I have written to him and even personally called to plead with him to please, please, stop emailing me. This has been happening for years with him. I don’t and won’t use his services; he is a commercial solicitor and I have no reason to ever contact him. Yet, he won’t stop. He claims his mailhouse is the culprit. That is not a defense.

Federal law says he is a violator. It says he and and his mailhouse are both responsible for violating the Can-Spam law.

Penalties can be as high as $16,000 per offense. Item 7 of Can-Spam specifically warns spammers:

  1. Monitor what others are doing on your behalf. The law makes clear that even if you hire another company to handle your email marketing, you can’t contract away your legal responsibility to comply with the law. Both the company whose product is promoted in the message and the company that actually sends the message may be held legally responsible.

Stop Email Spam by Reporting the Offender to the Government

If you are receiving email spam from a commercial vendor with whom you have no pre-existing relationship, and you have asked this spammer to stop, perhaps unsubscribed, and yet that spammer disregards your objection and continues to email you, you don’t have to put up with that nasty behavior. You can report that spammer to the Federal Trade Commission. It’s easy. Just forward the spam email to

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