agents who compete
Sacramento Agents Should Support Other Agents

Sacramento agents should support other agents because we’re all in the business together.
It’s no secret I believe that Sacramento agents should support other agents. Agents often tell me how appreciative they are that I share real estate tips and my experiences. If I received these types of comments only once or twice, I’d think nothing more of it, but it’s repetitive. This blows me away because sharing comes naturally to me. Its implication makes me suspect that maybe other agents aren’t willing to come forward or share with other agents, and I don’t really know why.
What comes around, goes around. There aren’t really any secrets in this business. And there’s no reason to resist. Sacramento agents should support other agents. What do you think it is that makes some agents reluctant to open up? Are they afraid that the competition will stomp on them if they do?
We’re all in Sacramento real estate together.
Oddly enough, occasionally I run into a situation where I’ve offered information and an agent might inform that my help was not required because the recipient already knows everything there is to know. Nobody knows everything. I’ve been in real estate for more than 40 years, and I don’t know everything. We all have the ability to learn something new from each other. I suspect some people don’t want to reciprocate and fear feeling obligated to do so.
Sometimes when I ask other agents about their business or inquire about new things they may have learned, they appear hesitant to divulge anything about themselves or their success strategies. Sacramento agents should support other agents. I’ll never do it the way you do it, and you won’t do it the way I do it because we’re two different people.
I don’t understand it. We need more teamwork, not more isolation or selfishness. In any case, it’s not going to affect whether I am willing to help, because it’s in my nature to offer assistance. I’m not going to clam up around other people, regardless of the norm.
Fortunately there are websites where agents come together and share. Together I do believe we can help to change the fear of competition that exists within the real estate industry. Agents need to loosen up and stop believing that sharing means somebody else is going to steal your business. Be confident in your own self worth, and you’ll reap the rewards tenfold. I’ll continue to believe that Sacramento agents should support other agents. Just don’t ask me to buy you a car.