best realtor in sacramento

Noted on List of Top 15 Agents in Sacramento

Top 15 agents in Sacramento

Got the screwiest new offering for Realtors yesterday when I received an email to congratulate me on placing in the top 15 agents in Sacramento. As though my production was news to this Sacramento Realtor. But even weirder than that was the way this company has gone about trying to promote itself. Of course, everybody is always trying to make a buck off of Realtors. It’s rampart in this industry. Blatant or otherwise, it is always present. Feeling like somebody’s mark.

What makes this company different is it is wants to sell a product that does not exist to a Realtor. It claims it can improve a Realtor’s SEO ranking by paying to be included on a website that doesn’t really rank very well in Google. Unlike the guys who swoop in at Annual Agent Awards time, stick you on their list and then try to sell you a plaque. Because these guys just go for annual membership of $250.

The company is STL, which is an acronym for States Top Leading News, kinda hokey. At first glance, I thought it was for St. Louis, and maybe it is since the company is based in Missouri. More power to these guys. They’re not roping me in, but I imagine they will find a lot of other agents. Primarily because most agents do not understand how SEO works. I barely know it myself, and Google constantly changes algorithms. Panda almost killed me.

This company simply goes to Zillow, pulls out the top 15 agents in Sacramento, whether they are agents or not, and puts them on a list. I was a bit astonished when I saw how one real estate company with about 30 agents in their office signed up to be a Premier Agent and Zillow took their money. To me, that is misleading. Maybe there should be a category for brokerages? Separate from agents?

I suppose the thinking of STL is agents pay to be Premier agents on Zillow so they will pay STL to be on some weird little website? I guess. Never underestimate the Bell Curve.

In any case, they are republishing what already exists on Zillow. Skimming data. Mixing it up some, though, and they can’t be reading the stats correctly because some of the agents on their list whom they rank above actually rank below me. So I don’t know how much credence I put into their list of top 15 agents in Sacramento, except I know my spot is earned.

Elizabeth Weintraub

10 Things My Sellers Expect From a Realtor in Sacramento

realtor in sacramento

A seller expects extreme competency from a Realtor in Sacramento.

When sellers first look for a Realtor in Sacramento, they often turn to the internet and friends or family members for a referral. That’s why they may hear the name of Elizabeth Weintraub more than once. The goal is to find a Realtor to sell their home; that’s the primary goal and surface idea. The needs of a seller are actually more complicated than that, though. Sellers don’t automatically realize qualifying criteria because they are generally too focused on the initial goal.

To a seller, it is simple. A seller thinks: I have a house that I want to sell. Most sellers, believe it or not, do not get hung up on the commission rate. Top producers tend to charge the same rate to just about everybody. For example, my standard real estate commission of 6% is the same basic fee I have charged for the past 40 years. Limited-service and discount Realtors often quote about 4% or less and the regular, run-of-the-mill agents typically charge about 5% or so. That’s why commissions are said to be negotiable, although the fees really are not.

Smart sellers realize that the commission percentage is not the deciding factor when choosing a Realtor in Sacramento. They know that grinding an agent does not put more money into their pocket. The picture is bigger than that. Plus, all real estate agents are different. Most sellers want to hire a Realtor in Sacramento who will negotiate well for them and put their interests first. But it goes beyond that, too. Below is my list.

10 Things My Sellers Want From a Realtor in Sacramento

  • Freely sharing of market information pertinent to sellers
  • Honesty and trustworthiness
  • Competent pricing advice
  • Top-notch negotiation skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Luxurious photography
  • A smooth transaction without hiccups or roadblocks
  • Strong communication and continual updates
  • Well rounded experience level in both real estate and the internet
  • Sense of humor, no drama

My sellers know that I have their back. I am watching for the things in a transaction that could cause misery and constantly shuffling that crap down some other road. Being a Realtor in Sacramento is not just a hobby for some of us; it’s an 8-days-a-week love affair with Sacramento real estate. If you need a top Realtor in Sacramento, then call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759.



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