buying a home on Christmas
Why Selling Sacramento Real Estate Isn’t a Job

Here is why selling Sacramento real estate isn’t a job. Business happens night and day, 7 days a week. There are no set work schedules for a successful Sacramento Realtor. Many of our clients, though, typically work an 8 – 5 schedule. This means meetings and telephone conversations with clients often happen on weekends and evenings.
There are daily tasks that do happen throughout the 8 – 5 time frame. Agents deal with bankers, title companies, appraisers, and inspectors communicating with us and scheduling appointments during typical workdays. Further, showings of listings are happening 7 days a week, 10+ hours a day.
Working in a real estate career for as many decades as me, well, I long ago determined that selling Sacramento real estate isn’t a job, it is a lifestyle. When I am going to the grocery store, or the bank, I’m still on call. If the phone rings, I take the call.
During holidays, family events, weddings, and birthdays, I’m checking email, and returning phone calls during restroom breaks. As I sit in my doctor’s office waiting for her to come in, I’m emailing clients or responding to inquiries. While I’m meeting with my accountant I am scanning my email the entire time. I always have my laptop or tablet with me. I may need to respond to an offer on a moment’s notice.
Working as a Sacramento listing agent, I fully commit to market and sell a client’s home. Being available is a responsibility we take very seriously at Weintraub & Wallace. If we are busy during the day with appointments and we have work that needs to be completed, we burn the midnight oil. I work many nights until midnight, and I’m happy to do it. Our clients know how hard we work and that’s why we have hundreds of 5-Star reviews.
Our clients know if I’m not out in the field on appointments, I’m at my command center working. When I power down my computer at night and all my tasks are completed, this official end to my day gives me a great sense of accomplishment. I love the real estate lifestyle. I’m passion about it and I can’t imagine doing anything else for a living.
I once sold a listing on Christmas day. Who looks at a home on Christmas? A serious buyer looks at all times of the year, because buying a home is her # 1 priority, so yes, even on Christmas! Those sellers were amazing. They left the home with a ham in the oven and went across the street while the buyers looked at their home in Folsom. The buyers wrote an offer that day and we had it sold that night.
Buyers who are looking for a home are not thinking, ” Ok, well, we won’t look today as it is a holiday.” They are looking for a home day and night. They drive neighborhoods and search on all the websites, they want to be first to respond. That’s the buyer I want to make an offer on one of my listings as they are serious!
I can’t say all Realtors believe selling Sacramento real estate isn’t a job, it is a lifestyle. I can’t even get some of them to call me back. It is sad, but true. Today, I have been waiting all day for a counter offer. Triple phone calls and three texts to this agent and I still do not have it. Who practices real estate sales like this? Well, someone who has another job. There are dual career part-time Realtors, they make up a huge part of our industry.
Something has to give when your primary focus is not selling homes. More than not the part-time real estate sales take a back seat to the primary full time 8 – 5 job. Many Realtors consider selling Sacramento real estate as a means for extra income, not because their livelihood depends on it. There are no shortcuts to success.
If you are looking for a full-time real estate practitioner who responds to inquiries, and answers the phone night and day, call Weintraub & Wallace Realtors today at 916-233-6957 Our team is committed to providing top shelf service to our clients 7 days a week!
— JaCi Wallace