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Benefits of Working With Bay Area Agents to See Sacramento Listings

Working With Bay Area Agents

Not all Sacramento listing agents are happy to take on working with Bay Area agents, but it’s never bothered me. Probably because I do not care to double-end transactions. I would much rather let somebody else represent the buyer. My business is such I don’t need to squeeze every dime out of every corner of a transaction to make a good living for myself and my family. So, I do not have that problem that some other agents have when it comes to elbowing out, er, working with Bay Area agents. I will assist Bay Area agents anyway I can.

Now, it used to be that Bay Area agents did not have a Supra lockbox key so they could not access our lockboxes. But now there is some system where they can register to use it. I don’t know the exact specifics because I do not show property outside of my MLS nor go to San Francisco to show homes. But in the old days, listing agents in Sacramento could try to force Bay Area agents to turn over their clients to the listing agent in exchange for a referral fee. Because if they couldn’t show listings, that was a setback for them. Something is better than nothing mentality.

It hardly seemed fair. Besides, Bay Area agents have a right to sell outside of their area if they want to. Maybe some of them have even lived in Sacramento at one point? They do things a little bit differently in the Bay Area, however. For example, agents expect to get all of the disclosures upfront, which we don’t do in Sacramento. They might divide fees a little bit differently between sellers and buyers. But those are small issues.

The important thing that I see about working with Bay Area agents is . . . they have a buyer. That’s a huge benefit. It benefits my sellers and it benefits me. Further, those buyers are typically very well qualified. Many are paying cash. Will I ever tell an agent we won’t work with her to show a home to her Bay Area buyer? Hell, no. I’d have to be half insane to turn down that kind of situation.

It’s even better when after an open house on Sunday a Bay Area agent calls me. They typically say their buyer came through the open house and they want to know what they can do to help their buyers purchase the home. These are buyers who generally conduct little to no inspections, they understand buying AS IS, and they are sophisticated.

Further, in comparison to the price of a home in San Francisco, where the median sales price is $1.61 million, the median price of a Sacramento home is peanuts.

Read it and weep. Yup, the median price in Sacramento County for April of 2018 is $370,000.

But let’s look at the pros and cons. Now, we know that agent in the Bay Area did not show the property their buyer wants to purchase. Their buyer came through an open house alone, hosted by my team member or another Lyon agent. Downside. But the upside is tremendous. So, how motivated is that Bay Area agent to close a transaction in Sacramento? An agent who is doing little work apart from writing a contract? Well, I’d say very motivated. Which is yet another reason to love working with Bay Area agents.

If Bay Area agents can’t find a listing agent to work with in Sacramento, they are welcome to come over and sit down next to me.

Elizabeth Weintraub

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