cancel a short sale
What Crazy Thing is Going on With That Carmichael Short Sale?

This Carmichael short sale needs a 100% committed real buyer.
The reason I am writing this blog is so I can email it to buyer’s agents who call me with the question: What’s going on with that Carmichael short sale? Because it’s too convoluted and crazy to talk about otherwise. Yup, I also wanna see what happened in black-and-white myself because I can’t quite believe it myself. The good news is this home is now available to buy as a short sale in Carmichael, soon as as we get the cancellation from the buyers.
Our first set of buyers for this Carmichael short sale were just “practice” buyers. Not really willing to wait out the short sale process for an FHA short sale, which is like the horror of all horrible short sales, even though they promised. Next. My team and I fought and escalated and argued and got the trustee’s sale postponed. New buyers entered the picture, investors, represented by their agent mom. Submitted offer, which clearly stated mom represented the buyers. Many lenders allow that relationship.
Three months later, the negotiator says nope. The mother cannot represent her children. When I relayed that new twist to the buyer’s agent, the response was not what one would expect for Mother of the Year award. Her immediate retort was she would tell her children to cancel. What? No, she could let another agent represent them. She didn’t know any agents. I knew an agent. I put the two together. But we needed the addendum to upload to Equator by a certain time or the negotiator threatened to cancel. I’ve had them do it. Nasty negotiators are not joking around with these deadlines.
Begged for the addendum over a day and a half. Called, left voice mails, sent text messages. Please, please. The agent did not make it a priority to get us the addendum. She sent it the following day, after the negotiator, as promised, canceled the file. The negotiator sent a note stating she denied the short sale. We canceled the buyers, returned the deposit and put the home back on the market. We were up against another trustee auction. Immediately sold to a new set of buyers. Fought and argued and escalated and yes, once again, got the auction postponed by the hair of its chinny-chin-chin.
The only problem was the new negotiator picked up the existing file where the previous negotiator had left off. Ignored our new buyers in contract on this Carmichael short sale. Even though I had uploaded the new offer, entered terms of the new offer into Equator, the new negotiator approved the previous buyers. The buyers who had been rejected were now approved. Never had that happen. Never. Now we had no choice but to cancel our existing buyers and notify the previous buyers.
Except, after further inspection of the home, the buyers, after all of this time, after everything that happened, decided to cancel. My sellers say there is a special place in hell for those buyers. By canceling at this late date, it is possible the new auction date will now be set and HUD will not allow another postponement. Of course, we will sell this again and submit a new offer, and argue and escalate and plead for the sellers. Because that’s what we do. That’s my job as the #1 Sacramento short sale agent in town.
It would be nice to get a little support from the other side, though. May I suggest that buyers who are not 100% committed to buying a Carmichael short sale perhaps should not enter into a contract to buy a short sale? Don’t be “maybe” about it, guys. Because those kind of buyers simply endanger hopeful sellers who are praying to do a short sale. Sellers don’t want to go to foreclosure simply because buyers flake out. If buyers don’t know what they’re getting into, they have no business buying a short sale.
The only shining thing in today’s world is the number of short sales in Sacramento have fallen from an all-time high in 2011 of making up 75% of the sales to about 10%. Thank goodness. My heart can’t always take it.
NGR is Why Buyers Cancel a Short Sale
This Sacramento short sale agent rarely loses a short sale for any reason. Oh, sure, sometimes I will end up with a seller who pleads with me to put her out of misery and to let her home die a faster death through foreclosure, but thank goodness those situations are unusual and scarce. Most sellers want to do a short sale regardless of how painful. They are willing to pay the emotional toll to the troll known as the short sale bank negotiator at their lender’s bank.
My success rate is an open book. Anybody can go to my website and look at my closed short sale transactions for the year. Apart from all of my closed listings, visitors can also view the list of closed short sales in a separate link titled closed short sales in Sacramento. I close short sales from El Dorado County, to Yolo County, Placer County and all the way to the communities of Wilton and Galt in Sacramento. If it’s a short sale, you’ll probably find me there.
I attribute this success to 2 things. I don’t give up, so I don’t listen to the word No. And we try to qualify the buyers. To lessen the chance a buyer will cancel a short sale. A short sale is like juggling many different pieces with a future goal for everybody to all end up in the same place on a certain day, and yet each of those pieces is like a cat, wanting to go in its own direction. You want to juggle cats for a living? Welcome to the life of a Sacramento short sale agent.
We all want to reach that happy spot, the end of the rainbow. And yet, every so often a short sale ends up going back on the market, generally right after it’s been moved into pending status, upon short sale approval. When it does, buyer’s agents call me to ask why the buyer canceled. That’s a normal question but typically the answer is NGR. I’ve weeded out all of the ordinary objections upfront. After short sale approval, there is basically NGR to cancel.
Oh, but what if something is wrong? Like the furnace won’t turn on or god forbid should the bathtub fixtures not match those in the sink? Welcome to home ownership. The next house in 6 months could have something malfunction as well. You want the house, you buy it. You don’t want the house? Next.
I shot the photo on this page yesterday. It is the rainbow over Bora Bora on New Year’s Day. Welcome to 2013.