challenges to overcome in escrow

Amazing Things That Can Screw Up Your Home Closing

home closing

Many things can go wrong after selling a home prior to your home closing.

Getting from Point A, which is agreeing to a sales price and terms with a buyer, to Point Z, which is your Sacramento home closing, is no easy feat for sellers these days, and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. In fact, it’s getting more difficult and more challenging, and let’s not forget the additional layer of TRID, the new regulatory disclosures and mortgage implementation process. Much of the stuff that goes on in the middle of escrow and many of the things that can go wrong after selling your home, are not always discussed in entirety with sellers — either before the listing or after the sale — so some sellers aren’t even aware of the tribulations.

Selling a home and getting to the home closing is so much more than negotiating the offer upfront. That is only the beginning. This is why you really need an experienced Realtor. For starters, there is no guarantee the buyer really wants to buy that home. True dat. Many home buyers in today’s market freak out after signing a contract. That’s why I have a system that I like to use that can force buyers to wait a few days. If they’re gonna back out, they will probably do it during that time period, before we have accepted an offer. There is little I dislike more, much more than eating brussel sprouts, than to put a home back on the market after making the listing pending because it sends the wrong message to buyers. It’s what I call the kiss of death.

We have to get through all of the home inspections and hope like crazy the buyer doesn’t hire some doofus home inspector who has little clue. These are also the guys who love to spam listing agents after the home closing, hoping we will hire them, and they don’t even realize that listings agents are the wrong guys to go after, and yes, I’m talking about YOU, Brian. Stop spamming me. Focus on buyer’s agents and send them your spammy emails. I’ve warned this home inspector repeatedly not to email me but he continues, just like clockwork, the idiot.

Buyer possession is also another hurdle because it often happens that the final home closing date is not always the most convenient date for everybody to close. One of the parties might have a problem with it. Whether it’s movers who cancel at the last minute or the seller’s new home that is not available, or maybe the water heater suddenly blows up, there seems to be no end to the challenges that can face a home closing.

My job as a Sacramento listing agent is to try to figure out the personalities of the people involved and, based on my experience and research, accurately predict what could go wrong in the home closing and prevent it. When I receive an offer for my seller, the first thing that pops into my brain is NOT oh, goody, we’ve got an offer. My first reaction is: what is wrong with this offer that could cause the home closing to be delayed? What steps can I take to ensure a smooth process? It’s different for everybody. But that’s why I’m paid the big bucks.

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