clark dry lake

Photos of Clark Dry Lake at Anza Borrego Desert

clark dry lake

After this blog about photos of Clark Dry Lake at Anza Borrego Desert, I believe I have one more blog to do to be finished with our trip. Normally I would not post so many photos and a bunch of blogs about one place, namely Anza Borrego Desert State Park, but I can’t help myself.

It’s such a fascinating place, so much to see and do and most people in California have no idea where it is even located. Although it is the largest state park in California. How about those apples? It is located about 2 hours Northeast of San Diego.

Now, I know what you’re gonna say. You think this is very similar to a far away place I visited several years ago, right? The Racetrack, which is near Death Valley. There are similarities but no rocks mysteriously move across the bed of this lake. A few years back, they figured out what moves the rocks at The Racetrack. It’s a thin layer of ice that forms at night and then melts in morning that moves the rocks.

Clark Dry Lake sits low in the valley at 560 feet elevation. Which means much of the moisture and rainfall flows into this lake bed but it never really fills up to be a lake. There are a few areas where it was moist. You can tell that some spots recently had water by the evaporated salt and the fact your feet make an impression by sinking ever so slightly into the terrain.

We had a bit of trouble finding how to get to Clark Dry Lake. Because we could see it from where we were photographing Desert Lupines. We sort of zigzagged through the washes, careful not to drive where vehicles were prohibited, until we finally found the road leading to the lake bed.

Flash floods are common in certain areas of Anza Borrego State Park, which is why some of the washes were closed. Also, we noted a few RVs parked further away but not as many as one would expect.

clark dry lake
clark dry lake
clark dry lake
clark dry lake
Elizabeth Weintraub

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