condos in natomas
Park Place Natomas Condo SOLD at Record Price

This Park Place Natomas Condo just closed at a record price for this model.
When I began working on the marketing verbiage for the Park Place Natomas condo in Regency Park, I noticed that I had typed the proverbial his-and-hers closets. Whoa. That seemed a bit discriminatory. Why are two closets called his-and-hers? For starters they are both hers, just ask any guy. Second, I don’t want to leave out any buyers from consideration nor offend a soul. To be cute, I penned: Perfect for a roommate or couple, with his-and-his, hers-and-hers or his-and-hers closets, your choice.
— Side Note: Discrimination is a big thing in real estate, even if some agents disagree with the state and federal Fair Housing laws, and I hear that a lot, mostly from agents in states other than California. Morons. Those types of agents don’t deserve to practice real estate. I hope they get their licenses yanked and they can go back to working at the car wash or selling guns or whatever they did before jumping into real estate. It’s bad enough that we have to make a federal law not to discriminate and it’s even worse when agents, of all people, ignore it. —
This Park Place Natomas condo came on the market toward the end of June, and we had 13 showings over 24 hours resulting in multiple offers. It was a tough choice to choose an offer. The seller opted for the offer that presented the least amount of possible hiccups. Even then, there was a question about the occupancy ratios from the HOA because the proportionate share of rental units exceeded the number that particular lender would allow.
Yet, conventional loans are possible for a Park Place Natomas condo. We reached a little further, gathered more information, and the lender was able to accommodate the buyer. For this size of condo, only 1,114 square feet, we sold at the highest price ever on Club Center Drive. I helped the seller to push the envelope on price, and we sold the Park Place Natomas condo for $227,000.
If you’re interested in selling a Park Place Natomas condo, please call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759. You’ll be glad you did. 2001 Club Center Dr, Unit 6114, Sacramento, CA 95835 closed escrow on July 20, 2016 at $227K.