formula superior customer service

Formula to Exceed Client Expectations in Sacramento Real Estate

exceed client expectations

Whenever I am a customer, I pay attention to those who exceed client expectations. Mostly because that is my personal goal in every Sacramento real estate transaction. While many agents can perform an adequate job, how many achieve stellar reviews from an ecstatic client? I like my clients to believe I have outperformed and gone above and beyond. Granted, I could bribe them, I suppose, but what’s the fun in that? Nope, honest reviews from thrilled clients is where it’s at.

I thought about how to exceed client expectations when I came back from taking a friend to Kaiser in Honolulu for a colonoscopy. The workers from Lowes were at our house when I left, tearing out the kitchen cabinets. Part of my instructions was for them to leave the microwave on top of my desk. After all, apart from the grill, it’s my main cooking apparatus. Especially since the kitchen would be demolished.

When I walked into the house, everything in the kitchen was gone. The master bath was also gutted. As I had requested, the microwave was on top of my desk. But it was just dropped there. It wasn’t plugged in. The clock wasn’t set. It wasn’t immediately useable.

Not that I expected the guys from Lowes to do this, but after they swept up after themselves and left the house relatively clean, I had nothing to complain about. However, the thought did occur to me how much more thrilled I would have been had the workers anticipated me finding the microwave and my reaction.

How hard would it have been to find a way to plug it in and set the clock? Those two little things would have meant they cared about my reaction and happiness. They didn’t just perform a job. They want a step further. Except they did not.

For my own real estate business in Sacramento, I want to exceed client expectations. And the way you do that is to anticipate what the client would like. How a client will react. What a client will think. And then you can do so much better.

Elizabeth Weintraub

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