home selling in sacramento when divorcing
Getting Divorced and Selling in Sacramento

Getting divorced when selling in Sacramento can be a smooth experience even if your divorce is not.
There is no reason to let buyers know you are getting divorced and selling in Sacramento. If buyers can figure that out, they will offer you less. They will think you are desperate. And let’s face it, some divorcing couples are desperate. They want nothing to do with each other, and the faster their home sells, the better.
But some aren’t antagonistic toward each other, and some divorcing couples aren’t in a rush to sell. Should these sellers be penalized because buyers know their situation? The fact is it’s nobody’s business if you’re getting divorced and selling. You have a commodity to sell. That commodity should be marketed in its best light, utilizing an optimum marketing campaign, just like any other listing.
If buyers know your circumstances, they will circle like vultures after roadkill. Divorcing brings out uncertainty among the parties involved, but it shouldn’t result in sellers shining search lights in the night sky to find buyers. There is no need to advertise the reason to sell. Yet some divorcing couples inadvertently tell buyers their intimate details in ways you can’t begin to imagine.
People might paw through your closets. Open drawers they should not open. Look at your mail on the dining room table. I walk through your home and make sure nothing is evident or left out in the open for prying eyes.
We work with sellers who are getting divorced and selling in Sacramento. As your listing agent, I need to be fair and equitable to both parties, regardless of which side does the hiring. Sometimes one of the sellers lives out of state and the other still resides in the property. It makes no difference to us because I represent both. What you need is no drama. A fast sale. Top dollar. Professional service. Call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759. 40 years at your service.