honest and ethical agents

The Best Sacramento Listing Agent Asks Questions Like This

Question Home Equity-300x200It’s a sorry state of affairs in this real estate market when a Sacramento listing agent holding a pending offer questions another agent with a pending listing to inquire if her sellers are in contract with the same buyers. Yada, yada, yeah, it’s confidential information but agents can still confirm the fact. I’m just saying it’s sad that an agent nowadays is put in the position of having to ask the question in the first place. It’s part of doing a fiduciary for the seller.

Sure, most transactions are straightforward and everybody is honest and ethical. Unless they are not. I’ve run across so many screwball escrows lately that my head is practically spinning. There was the guy who tried to buy a home and actually finagled his way into a contract when he had no money, no job and a police record. Then, there were the many buyers who wrote multiple offers all at the same time, locked down the properties and then subsequently canceled them all. Not to mention the cash buyers whom, at the last minute, developed cold feet.

There are so many ways that working with an experienced agent in Sacramento can pay off for a seller that I can’t even count them. Because of the volume of business that I do, I see a tremendous amount of purchase offers pass through my computer every year. I pay close and careful attention to each one of them, too.

Somebody asked me the other day, a seller whose home I’m listing next month, if I was too busy for her. I don’t know if she got that idea from a competing listing agent or if she came up with it on her own, but I am never too busy, and that’s the secret to my success. I don’t take on more listings than I can handle. Like I replied to this seller, a while back I was handling 70 to 75 listings at a time and doing a damn fine job if I say so myself. My clients agree, too. Today, my active Sacramento home listings number closer to 25, because the market is much slower.

The thing is I use my 40 years of experience to help my sellers. That’s an inherent quality they can’t buy or easily find elsewhere. My clients expect me to go beyond the norm. If I receive paperwork that makes me ask questions because I spot a red flag, you can bet I will get to the bottom of it. I see that action as part of my job and in good conscience I cannot let these types of questions go unanswered.

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