How to fix your Mac computer
The Best Mac Computer Repair Shop in Sacramento

The best Mac computer repair shop in Sacramento is near Arden Fair Mall at Core Care.
What would you say if I told you there is a place where you can go in Sacramento for Mac computer repair that is much better than the Apple Store at Arden, and is the best Mac computer repair shop in town? What? You might gasp, better than Apple? How is anything better than Apple? Well, for starters, you won’t get some Apple Genius who is barely old enough to drive a car. There won’t be all of that loud noise and clatter as you contend with Apple shoppers buzzing around you, either. And you won’t be paying through the nose for a repair job that might not fix all of your problems; plus, let’s not overlook having to drive the Arden Fair parking lot in circles trying to park.

Casey Zacharias, Mac Magician at Core Care.
When you’re a small business owner like me and a super busy Sacramento Realtor, you need a reliable Mac computer repair shop. A place where you can take your computer, walk-in without an appointment and sit down with an experienced veteran who has worked on Macs since their inception. Casey Zacharias is that guy.
I haven’t been to see him since 2005. But a few days ago, I experienced a little glitch with my computer. Several software programs had developed peculiar problems and my email was slowly going on the blink. I knew something was weird the night before when I was searching for emails to drag and drop into a saved folder for a couple of closed escrows and the Outlook search function failed to work. Fortunately, I had the foresight to export my folders and contacts before turning off my computer because the next morning, I could not rebuild my Outlook. Nothing was there. No database. Heart attack.
This was not a virus. Sometimes things don’t work correctly. I was kidding around with Casey at the Mac computer repair shop by telling him he needs to lower his standards a little bit. To get used to technology not always working the way we expect it to work. I have lowered my standards, you betcha, and I’m a happier person for it. When something doesn’t work, I just look for another way to accomplish my goal and I generally find it.
Turns out I had bad block on my hard drive. Several other issues, too. And it took Casey about 24 hours to fix all of it. Much of it was corrected with me sitting right there and watching how he did it. I could ask him questions about how to best set up certain functions, and he had all of the answers. He’s brilliant. You don’t necessarily need to be searching for the best Mac computer repair in Sacramento to utilize Casey’s services nor those of his team. Maybe you just need to be more organized or have questions. These guys at Core Care are the magicians for all things Mac. Anything you need, you can get it at Alice’s Restaurant, er Core Care, just down the road from the Apple Store in Arden Fair.
Take Arden Way West, go past Arden Fair, under the bridge and turn right on Harvard Street, go to the end. Core Care is on the right hand side. Or call for an appointment, if you so choose, at 916.567.1260. It’s the best Mac computer repair shop in Sacramento. And it’s Apple authorized.