iPad for real estate

Meet Your Sacramento Real Estate Agent on FaceTime


Video chat communicationRemember the old days, like in the 1980s, when you could buy a gadget and use it for years and years? Manufacturers are smarter and make more money now. Like, they stop making your crystal goblet pattern the day after you buy your wine glasses. An electronic gizmo has a shelf life these days of about 18 to 24 months, maximum. I am constantly replacing stuff — like my iPad. You can’t be an active Sacramento real estate agent without an iPad in your bag of tools. I had a first generation iPad from 3 years ago but was forced to buy a brand new one last weekend because some Apps don’t work on the old iPad. Plus, the new iPad has a camera and video and FaceTime.

I decided to take a webinar yesterday that covered new features of the iPad. It’s an exciting topic that let’s just say wasn’t very exciting for me to watch. But to be fair, I can exhibit the attention span of a squirrel. It’s one of the reasons I don’t watch Reality TV. For one thing, the real world is not often one thrilling adventure after the other; hence, women like me with 5 husbands. For another, Reality TV is scripted, regardless of what they tell you.

You might think that producers just follow people around and film them. Instead, they create concepts and ideas for the show. They change what happened, write impromptu dialogue and film the same scene over and over. That’s not really reality; I know this as I’ve appeared on TV shows, including HouseHunters.

I introduced a great idea that would have been a fairly interesting show for Reality TV some 15 years ago, back when online dating was all the rage for a woman in her 40s. If a guy from the Internet wanted to meet for a date, he had to fit into my lifestyle. Time is precious. I did not want to set aside 2 to 3 hours for a date when I might not have much in common with that person. Besides, who wants to pick spinach from her teeth while muttering awkward goodbyes?

So, I met my Internet dates wherever I went. The home improvement store, drugstore, grocery shopping, getting my oil changed, taking the cat to the vet. It wasn’t exciting or glamorous, that was the REAL reality of life. It was also a very good use of my time: to multi-task. I described what I would be wearing so my date could pick me out among the herd of shoppers searching for weed-wackers at The Home Depot. If we decided, by the time we got to the checkout counter, to see each other again, we could exchange phone numbers. No pressure.

This is kind of the result of blogging for me nowadays. People who are searching for a Sacramento real estate agent tend to do so online. They want to look for an agent who fits their agenda. It’s easy to read a Sacramento real estate agent’s blog and online postings. Potential real estate clients can figure out how much experience an agent has by looking at the agent’s website. If it doesn’t state how long the agent has been in the business, it’s probably not very long. Real estate veterans will readily disclose that fact. Newbies, not so much.

I offer no pressure to my clients. If they decide they no longer want to sell, I will cancel the listing immediately for them. I don’t fight and plead and whine. That’s not my nature. But you’d know that if you went shopping for weed-wackers with me or read my blogs.

If you’re looking for a Sacramento real estate agent, I invite you to explore my Elizabeth Weintraub website and then call me at 916 233 6759. Hey, I have FaceTime on my iPad. We can talk person-to-person without even meeting up! This works great for clients from the Bay area or southern California. How cool is that? Why, if I had FaceTime back in the day . . .

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