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What a Sacramento Real Estate Agent Can Do That You Cannot

Internet Sacramento real estate agentEverybody likes the convenience of looking at stuff online but when it comes to an important matter such as buying a home or selling your house in Sacramento, the smart consumers call a Sacramento real estate agent. That’s because everybody needs a real estate agent, whether or not they realize it. You need a professional who is active full-time in the business, has access to information you don’t and can tell you things you don’t know. You don’t know it all online. Ever. It’s an illusion if you think you do.

Take it from somebody who has been down that path. The local Goodwill in Sacramento has a plethora of designer shoes donated by me, for example, that hurt my feet. They looked gorgeous online at Nordstrom but those Jimmy Choo sandals were painful, regardless of how many pieces of mole skin I glued. You can’t even buy socks online and hope to find conformity among multiple packages. Because things are manufactured in lot numbers, mostly in China, and even though a piece of clothing might originate from the same manufacturer, identical size, same material, it will fit differently when plucked from random shelves.

I love the idea that I can explore winter vacations online. But I would never book a trip without going through my travel agent. Sure, I can spend countless hours at TripAdvisor reading how much one guy loved a hotel and the next traveler two hours later despised it; I can go to another website to study traveler’s photos of hotel rooms and not the glammed up wide-angled and air-brushed shots. I can do a ton of homework about where I may want to stay at exotic destinations, but ultimately, I will rely on my travel agent. My agent has the knowledge, the connections and my agent has the deals.

When my husband and I decided to book a trip through the Alaska Inside Passage and chose our ship, we still called our travel agent. He said Alaska was not his specialty, and he referred us to an Alaska expert who booked our adventure even though I had already selected the travel dates, the route, the airlines and class, the ship and cabin. She was a gem. I noticed a week before our departure that the rates for the owner’s cabin had been lowered to the same amount we paid for a forward cabin. When I mentioned it, she called the ship and got us a lower rate. This travel agent called to confirm our return trip for us and discovered the route had changed, and we couldn’t get home as originally planned. She was able to reroute us and force the airlines to get us home on time. Invaluable.

Professionals don’t cost you money, they save you money. If you’re not a real estate agent, you don’t have all of the answers, but a veteran real estate agent does. You can’t even begin to predict what could go sideways in your transaction because you’re not in the business. Just when you think you’ve found the perfect home online, I might know what’s wrong with that perfect home and you don’t. Or, I might have knowledge of a home coming on the market tomorrow that you do not. And better, I know how to make sure you are the lucky buyer whose offer is accepted, plus I’ll do my damnedest to make sure you close without a hitch.

Nobody needs more problems in life. We’ve got enough just the way it is. Hire a professional Sacramento real estate agent.


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