job duties to clients from realtors

I Will Scream If You Say Sacramento Realtors are Messengers

realtors are messengers

Do not ever say Realtors are messengers because it is a stupid thing to say.

Where do agents get the idea that Sacramento Realtors are messengers? It’s true that we have a fiduciary relationship to our clients, which means we have to represent their interests and our clients are the boss, but it doesn’t mean we have to dance like a trained monkey. Part of representing our clients’ best interests means we advise them if they are wrong or about to make a huge mistake. Part of advising means helping clients to clearly understand what they need to do, which can often be in direct opposition to an initial desire.

I practically did scream at a buyer’s agent a few days ago who said to me, “Well, we are just messengers.” He chuckled. “We just do what we’re asked to do.” As though that explains it. He gets a kick out of my passion for the business, he laughed. Hey, this no laughing matter, dude! You can’t honestly believe that Realtors are messengers. That’s not true. It’s completely inside out of reality. Just stop saying it.

The agent just laughed again. Told me how much he enjoys talking to me. He won’t enjoy it so much when I’m finished hammering home my point. And I launched into it. We are doing a grave disservice to our clients if we act merely as a messenger. We possess superior knowledge gained from decades in the business, and we are here to guide, to advise, not to follow directives, especially if those directives are idiotic.

You need to grab your client by the shoulders and explain why the action they want to take can lead to disaster. Realtors make suggestions, you offer alternatives and reasonable solutions based on wisdom. We are a counselor, a trusted advisor, not directionless, without opinions and uninformed, which is how we would come across if we don’t speak up. If you think Realtors are messengers, you aren’t a very good Realtor.

I will smash a pie in your face if you continue to say Realtors are messengers. I will kick over your open house signs. I will teepee your yard. Stupid things you say tend to have a way of turning into reality. Sometimes agents don’t want to be anything more than a messenger because a messenger is a non-accountable position, but we are paid to share our knowledge. To be accountable. To do anything less is, well, it’s simply inexcusable.

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