media real estate expert

How to Stay Happy in Sacramento Weather of Tule Fog and Rain

Racine Temp Marriott

Low Temperature Forecast: Racine, Wisconsin

If you ever want to feel better about the tule fog and our biting cold Sacramento weather during the winter, all you have to do is call somebody in the Upper Midwest and ask how she’s doing. Eventually she’ll tell you why life is so completely horrible and stinks because of the stinkin’ weather. By comparison, let me tell you, life in Sacramento is pretty darn good, and Sacramento weather is lovely.

I gave an interview to a reporter from Eagan, Minnesota, this week. Eagan is a suburb of St. Paul that did not exist in its present form when I grew up in Minneapolis. It was mostly a farming community named after some Irish guy. Today, it is a thriving suburban area with mega shopping malls surrounding numerous subdivisions of massively huge tract homes, and it has four feet of snow. The reporter asked what my weather was like. Low 50s, about to climb into the high 60s. Bit of fog.

Pretty nice, actually. See, how that works?

We talked about curb appeal: how sellers can create curb appeal and how home buyers respond to curb appeal. She thanked me for the interview saying I gave her a lot more in-depth information that she had not expected, and her newly accumulated wealth of data would make it very easy to write her article. I did one of many good deeds for the day. Managed to list a couple of homes in the Sacramento area as well.

I then stopped by to see my dermatologist at UC Davis who somehow has locked me into visiting her every six months. In the beginning I thought she was a specialist to study suspicious spots on my body but she always finds something to take care of or recommend, so it seems like she is now a regular doctor for me to visit because of my old age. It’s those barnacles and warts and other weirdness stuff that keep appearing in strange places that she magically removes. I don’t wanna end up looking like Art Linkletter.

She asked me how I stay so healthy and vibrant. It’s positive thoughts, I joked with her, raising my hands over my head with palms up, and surrounding myself with positive people. Always looking on the bright side. But then I realized I wasn’t really joking. I do try to dissipate negativity. It’s built into my Midwest genes.

My husband is in Racine, Wisconsin, for a family memorial. With me, having just returned from my month-long winter vacation to Vanuatu and Hawaii and leaping into the Sacramento January real estate market, I would be overwhelmed if I had joined him. But he did jolt my heart a little yesterday when he sent me the photo on this page. He was concerned about the Marriott’s low temperature forecast for Racine, Wisconsin. You can see the Marriott had predicted a low of minus 460 degrees. Sacramento weather looks better all the time.

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