natomas real estate
Park Place Natomas Condo SOLD at Record Price

This Park Place Natomas Condo just closed at a record price for this model.
When I began working on the marketing verbiage for the Park Place Natomas condo in Regency Park, I noticed that I had typed the proverbial his-and-hers closets. Whoa. That seemed a bit discriminatory. Why are two closets called his-and-hers? For starters they are both hers, just ask any guy. Second, I don’t want to leave out any buyers from consideration nor offend a soul. To be cute, I penned: Perfect for a roommate or couple, with his-and-his, hers-and-hers or his-and-hers closets, your choice.
— Side Note: Discrimination is a big thing in real estate, even if some agents disagree with the state and federal Fair Housing laws, and I hear that a lot, mostly from agents in states other than California. Morons. Those types of agents don’t deserve to practice real estate. I hope they get their licenses yanked and they can go back to working at the car wash or selling guns or whatever they did before jumping into real estate. It’s bad enough that we have to make a federal law not to discriminate and it’s even worse when agents, of all people, ignore it. —
This Park Place Natomas condo came on the market toward the end of June, and we had 13 showings over 24 hours resulting in multiple offers. It was a tough choice to choose an offer. The seller opted for the offer that presented the least amount of possible hiccups. Even then, there was a question about the occupancy ratios from the HOA because the proportionate share of rental units exceeded the number that particular lender would allow.
Yet, conventional loans are possible for a Park Place Natomas condo. We reached a little further, gathered more information, and the lender was able to accommodate the buyer. For this size of condo, only 1,114 square feet, we sold at the highest price ever on Club Center Drive. I helped the seller to push the envelope on price, and we sold the Park Place Natomas condo for $227,000.
If you’re interested in selling a Park Place Natomas condo, please call Elizabeth Weintraub at 916.233.6759. You’ll be glad you did. 2001 Club Center Dr, Unit 6114, Sacramento, CA 95835 closed escrow on July 20, 2016 at $227K.
Tips for Selling Tenant Occupied Homes in Natomas
If a Sacramento Realtor in Natomas knows her neighborhood, she can often guess how quickly that home will sell. I have noticed that certain neighborhoods are taking their own shapes and directions now that the housing bubble has popped in Natomas, and I have gained a sense of why some homes in Natomas might take longer to sell or whether they will fly off the market. But even though I might know instinctively how a transaction will progress, it is still not an excuse not to be completely prepared for the market. As I continually say, half of the hard work is done in advance to listing a home.
For example, let’s talk about a home in Natomas that closed yesterday. These particular sellers called me around the middle of July to talk about selling a home, which was presently occupied by a tenant and managed by an excellent property manager I’ve done business with in the past. The thing about tenants is you never know which way it will go, they will either cooperate or they won’t. But when you are working with a top-notch property manager, the property management company will send the correct legal paperwork to the tenant to explain the process, and that often gets the tenant on board.
So does being nice to the tenant and making her beds. Hey, I do what I have to do. She left me a key under a pot in the back yard, which I promptly confiscated. All of the beds were a mess. She knew I would be taking photos, but you’ve got to remember that tenants don’t always care about the listing agent’s objectives when they are suddenly notified their lease won’t be renewed and, oh, btw, that means you have 30 days to find somewhere else to move. They have other pressing matters on their minds, like where their children will go to school and whether they will find another roof over their heads in our super tight rental market in Sacramento. I get it. Tenants don’t care what we agents have to do when selling rental homes in Sacramento.
Without grumbling, I made the beds. Picked up the house, straightened out the bathroom towels, put the load of laundry on the floor so I could shoot the cabinets in the laundry room. To get to this point, took me about a month. A month of work I don’t get paid for until it closes.
We went on the market August 21. I could write a book about how to sell a home in one day, even though it really takes a month or more. On August 22nd, we received a cash offer for less than list price. Why is it cash buyers tend to think their offer is stronger because it is cash? It can close faster, but it is not necessarily stronger. I’ve had transactions in which the cash buyers suddenly developed severe needs elsewhere for the cash and they canceled. I sent the offer to the seller and suggested they counter back at list price. Come on, 24 hours on the market and the buyer can’t offer list?
The buyer agreed to pay list price. This is what a seller gets with a full-service Realtor. We also made the sale AS IS. Those sellers who sometimes pass by the more experienced agents in favor of a discount agent who will charge less have no idea how much money they are losing in their transaction due to limited vision; they just don’t know any better. I made sure we had no drama in this transaction. We closed a month later. No repairs, no concessions, the tenant moved out of the home in Natomas on time. Happy sellers.