Personal Property In Sacramento Probate Sale

Personal Property In Sacramento Probate Sale

Personal Property In Sacramento Probate Sale

Personal property in Sacramento Probate sale is a diverse topic. I have sold a probate property with a truck, all the contents, and building supplies included in the purchase. Is this common? No, not common at all, but things can happen in a Probate sale based on the Trustee or Estate Administrator’s instructions. Always run this by your legal team first, before attempting personal property transfers within a real estate sale.

The photo posted above I took while my client, the administrator of this estate, was on site. She has been a real trooper while working through so many issues. She is kind and generous to all the workers, saying so many times the endless, “thank-you.” It takes fortitude and courage to administer an estate. It is a huge undertaking to clean up the remnants of a lifetime. She suited up in coveralls and marched into whatever we faced. Her husband was there every step of the way, he is handy with tools and supportive. Every time something was needed, off to home depot, he went without a complaint. I feel blessed to know these two exceptional human beings.

This property had about seven plus loads of debris removed. There had evidently been squatters in the property. We discovered extension cords running about. Portable lights were sitting on the sink next to a water source, and lights hooked on boards left outside the second-story windows. The old food in the fridge was emptied out. The utilities were powered on, but unknown in whose name. The utility companies keep that information private. Squatters seem to sometimes move into a property after an occupant vacates or passes away. How do they get utilities on and collect mail? No one knows, but in this case, somehow, it happened. Some neighbors speculated, but who really knows?

The good news to date is that this property is cleaned and now closed up. The broken windows are boarded. It is a good feeling for all. This grand historical location was reported to be quite a well cared for property, back in the day. Someone will bring this home back to full rehabilitation one day and what a beautiful sight that will be.

This property had rodent feces everywhere, and the contents appeared rummaged through. If there was anything of value in there at one time, it was long gone now. The carpet was stained and filthy. The rodents and who knows what else had destroyed the rugs, and the odors are better left to the imagination. These junk haulers emptied the debris and carpets from the interior.

After the interior has been emptied, we have a sanitation crew that comes in, and steam cleans the walls, floors, and surfaces. The goal is to get a property clean enough to walk through after potentially dealing with fleas, spiders, wasps, dust mites, and or rodents. The next stop is a professional pest report. This same crew also cleaned the back-yard up. It is hard to believe that in less than three weeks, what appeared as a mountain of work, is now completed.

The chain-link fence goes up on the front perimeter in the next few days to discourage squatters. Someone also kicked in the front door with the new deadbolt. The door has been reinforced, the locks have been changed, and utilities now are in the estate Administrator’s name. The security monitored burglar alarm, is now in full force. The Sacramento Police department will be dispatched if further troubles persist.

We have a fabulous Probate Attorney on this case. What people may not understand is to sell a property when someone has died or is in conservatorship, you must have the letters or the trust documents. These legal documents verify for a title company and or real estate brokerage who specifically, has the legal authority to sign. When these steps are skipped over, it can create more chaos. A fictitious deed or whatever title issues may appear, all title issues must be cleared to confirm a sale of real property. Depending on the case and the directions from the attorney of record, we sometimes obtain a buyer, subject to court confirmation of the sale.

For all of the above reasons, I am often referred listings to sell probate and trust properties. I have been selling real estate for almost 25 years and working for over a decade concentrating on probate and or trust sales expertise. I have also been called to testify in the Probate Court and previously declared as an expert witness. Some of the more complicated properties I have sold were held in trust with several attorneys involved. A trust is not the end-all in many cases. Someone can file and contest a trust sale as the heirs may get into squabbles about the trust. So many complications can arise. My best advice is always to direct the client to seek legal advice first. This is my first step and has always proven to be sage and trusted advice from my first legal mentor, bless his soul.

If you find yourself questioning how to work through the personal property in Sacramento Probate sale, this blog may help. Of course, always consult with your attorney first, before taking action steps. If you need real estate expertise with over a decade of trust and probate sales, call Weintraub & Wallace Realtors with RE/MAX Gold. We can be reached at 916-233-6759.

–JaCi Wallace

JaCi Wallace
Weintraub & Wallace

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