procuring cause

Are You Working With a Sacramento Realtor?

Hiring a Sacramento RealtorThat is such a simple question, are you working with a Sacramento Realtor, but it is extremely difficult for some buyers to answer. I can see why, too. Because what does it mean? They don’t know. Does it mean they know a Sacramento Realtor? Everybody knows somebody who works in real estate in Sacramento, you can’t turn around in a crowded Midtown bar or slam a grocery cart into the checkout counter at Safeway without stumbling into a real estate agent these days.

Does it mean that you have a relative in the real estate business whom you might call to represent you to buy a home? Does “are you working with a Sacramento Realtor” mean you are beginning to dislike your real estate agent who has been sending listings but never calls or follows up to see if you’re ready to look at homes or offers any other kind of assistance to you? Maybe not. It’s complicated.

Basically, when an agent asks a home buyer are you working with a Sacramento Realtor, it means are you presently working with an agent or about to work with another agent who will write the offer for you? It could also mean have you signed a buyer broker agreement, in which case, even if you’ve changed your mind about working with that agent, you’re probably stuck with that agent and can’t choose somebody else.

When an agent asks if you are working with another real estate agent, just be honest. Explain your situation. Because the agent is asking in a roundabout way if he or she can write the offer for you. If he or she cannot write the offer for you and represent you, then the answer is yes, you are working with another agent. Be aware that Realtors are prevented from interfering with another Realtor’s client.

Sometimes buyers want to work directly with the listing agent because they wrongly believe they’ll get some kind of break or preferential treatment. Not much we can do about those disillusioned people. They tend to get what they deserve, which is not necessarily excellent representation. Don’t go that route. It doesn’t mean, however, that if a listing agent shows you the property that the listing agent won’t want to write the offer because the agent most likely will.

My team members are upfront when they talk to buyers. They say, if we show the home, we will represent you. Do you understand and agree to it? Or, are you working with another Sacramento Realtor? It’s OK, to talk about this, and it is imperative. Otherwise, you might end up in trouble over procuring cause. You can save yourself a lot of time and trouble if the agent who shows you the home is the agent who will represent you.

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