real estate ideas

Brilliant Real Estate Ideas for Sacramento Realtors

real estate ideas

Often your best real estate ideas can come to you in a dream.

Some of my best real estate ideas come to me when I’m sleeping. They pop into my dreams. Which means some of my very best ideas are probably lurking in my subconscious. It beats having your best ideas come to you when you’re, oh, say, like Dudley Moore in that 1981 movie Arthur. His best ideas came to him when he was drunk. Probably because he was rarely sober. If you’ve never seen Arthur, you’re in for a treat.

A few nights ago I had a dream that I was holding an open house for that adorable family on Showtime’s Shameless. They live in this two-story wreck in south Chicago. I gathered the kids around me and assigned each one of them a room. When visitors came through the open house, the job of each kid was to stand in their appointed room and talk about the benefits of that room.

We rehearsed. Like a broken record, over and over. That’s a brilliant real estate tip, yes? Who better to sell a home than the people who actually live in it? Sell the benefits, not the features. The sun comes up in the morning through that window, so I don’t need an alarm clock.

Last night, though, I dreamed up a new wallpaper. You know how wallpaper has gone out of fashion? Well, I’ve got news for you, it’s coming back. Only edgier and with a bit more bite. My new wallpaper idea is to take the sections of your city’s free entertainment newspaper — the part with all the bands — neatly trim the edges, apply wallpaper paste and slap it up there. How cool is that? That real estate idea is worth millions.

Of course, with wallpaper, the pattern repeats. The unique thing about this phenomenal idea is the pattern does not repeat until maybe you get to last week’s paper or the week before that. But the pattern doesn’t have to repeat. You can write your own rules. And it’s free. Doesn’t cost ya a penny.

Back when I was a kid in my 40’s, I used to swipe posters from the halls of local venues and hang them on my living room wall. Now, I wish I had saved those posters because those fun days are gone; I can’t make myself stay up that late anymore. But this is the next best thing. Every kid in America will be clamoring for this rock-band wallpaper.  I”m just joking, you know, about the real estate ideas.

While Elizabeth is in Cuba, we revisit older blogs published elsewhere.

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